Capabilities GET Request

A GET request to the Capabilities service returns information:
  • supported services
  • available geocoding engines
  • supported countries
  • supported operations and associated required and optional inputs
  • custom fields

Base URI

http://<server>:<port>/rest/GlobalGeocode/database/<DBname>/capabilities.[content type]?[query parameters]


.[content type] indicates that the specified content type will be used by default. Optional.

JSON Default content type is JSON, unless superseded by HTTP content negotiation

XML Default content type is XML, unless superseded by HTTP content negotiation

[query parameters] are described in the following section.

Query Parameters

There are several options for the type of information returned based on the query parameters:
  • Include a country code to get the capabilities for the specified country;
  • Include a country code and an operation to get the description of that operation; or,
  • Exclude all query parameters to get the capabilities for all countries.

The query parameters for the Capabilities service are defined in the following table.

Name Description
country Name of country in ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 format, or a common name of the country, such as United States of America.
operation Type of geocoding service operation. One of the following:
  • geocode
  • reverseGeocode
  • interactive
  • keyLookup