Matching Preferences
Preference | Description |
Address preference | This specifies the address preference. Below are the available options:
Building Search on Address Line | Attempts to obtain a street address when the input address
contains a building name with no suite or unit number.
When this preference is disabled, Geocoding is able to match to building names only if there is a unit number in the input. |
Search on First Letter of Street name | Specifies whether to look for the correct first letter of a street name if the first letter is missing or incorrect. If selected, the Geocoding searches through the alphabet looking for the correct first letter to complete the street address. |
Enable predictive lastline | |
Search Area | These preferences set the search constraints to use when
matching. These can assist in finding a match when the input address
contains limited or inaccurate city or ZIP Code information. Below
are the available options:
Firm name lookup | Determines whether the preferred lookup is to look for a firm
name match. Below are the available options:
DPV | Specifies if Delivery Point Validation needs to be performed. This option is only available when you are licensed for Delivery Point Validation. |
LACS | Indicates if the address is marked for LACS/Link conversion. This option is only available when you are licensed for LACS/Link. |
Prefer ZIP over City | Prefers candidates matching the input ZIP Code over matches to input city. Default = disabled. |
Search radius distance | Allows the setting of the search radius distance to use when
matching. Note: The Distance is in
Meters. |
Multi-matches/ Candidates | |
Max results to be returned | Allows to return matches based on the following:
Match Codes | |
Match Mode | Match modes determine the leniency used to make a match between
the input address and the reference data. Select a match mode based
on the quality of your input and your desired output. The following
match modes are available:
Return extended match code | Specifies if extended match code is returned. Note: You may need to truncate the fourth
character returned by Global Geocoding if comparing to original
match code. |
Custom Mode Must Match Fields | This option sets the match criteria for determining match
Output Data : Output Format | |
Mixed case output address | Specifies the output format casing. The available options are:
Output corrected last line | Corrects elements of the output lastline, providing a good ZIP Code or close match on the soundex even if the address would not match or was non-existent. |
Output postal code separator | Changes the Postal Code field formatting (eg 12345-6789 to 123456789). |
Return descriptions in output | Turns on Verbose mode which adds Name fields noted in Census and Qualifier groups. |
The output data tab lists a selection of grouped values. All values in GGM belong to a single group; there is no support for separate attributes. The below table shows EGM group names and their corresponding GGM group names.
EGM Group Name | Fields Returned | GGM Group Name |
Auxiliary | AuxiliaryData | Other |
Auxiliary | MCDName | Other |
Auxiliary | MCDCode | Other |
Block Address |
BlockLine1 |
Block Address |
BlockLine2 |
Block Address |
BlockLine3 |
Block Address |
BlockLine4 |
Block Address |
BlockLine5 |
Block Address |
BlockLine6 |
Address Alias |
aliasHouseNumberLow |
Address Alias | aliasHouseNumberHigh | |
Address Alias |
aliasLeadingDirectional |
Address Alias | aliasStreetName | |
Address Alias | aliasStreetSuffix | |
Address Alias |
aliasTrailingDirectional |
Address Alias | aliasApartmentLabel | |
Address Alias | aliasUnitNumberLow | |
Address Alias | aliasUnitNumberHigh | |
Address Alias | aliasPostalCode | |
Address Alias | aliasPostalCodeExtensionLow | |
Address Alias | aliasPostalCodeExtensionHigh | |
Address Alias | aliasUsCarrierRouteCode | |
Address Alias | alias Alternate | |
Address Alias | aliasRecordType | |
Address Alias |
BlockSuffix |
Address Alias | CBSACode | |
Address Alias | CBSAName, * if Verbose | Other |
Address Alias | CBSADivisionCode | Other |
Address Alias | CBSADivisionName, * if Verbose | Other |
Address Alias | CBSAMetro | Other |
Census |
CensusBlockID |
Census |
Census | CensusTract, | |
Census | CSACode | Other |
Census | CSAName, * if Verbose | Other |
Census | USCountyName, * if Verbose | Other |
Census | USFIPSCountyNumber |
Census |
Census | USFIPSStateCode |
Census |
Census |
USFIPSStateCountyCode |
Postal |
APN * if Determine Assessor's Parcel Number on | ||
Centerline Projection |
CenterlineLatitude |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineLongitude |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineDistance |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection |
CenterlineBearing |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineSegmentCode |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineLeadingDirectional |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineStreetName |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineStreetSuffix |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineTrailingDirectional |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineDataCode |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineDirection |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineParity |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineIsAlias |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineHouseNumberHigh |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineHouseNumberLow |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineRoadClass |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineBlockLeft |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineBlockRight |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineBlockSuffixLeft |
Centerline |
Centerline Projection | CenterlineBlockSuffixRight |
Centerline |
DPVFootnote | DPV | |
CMRA | DPV | |
Geo Confidence |
GeoConfidenceCentroidLongitude |
Geo Confidence |
GeoConfidenceCentroidLatitude |
Geo Confidence |
GeoConfidenceCode |
Geo Confidence | segmentCoords | |
Geo Confidence | pointsPerSeg | |
Latitude/Longitude |
Latitude |
Other (LAT) |
Latitude/Longitude | Longitude |
Other (LON) |
Latitude/Longitude | Elevation * if retrieveElevation | |
MLD Extended Attributes | RRHC | |
Parsed Elements |
ApartmentLabel |
parsedAddress |
Parsed Elements | ApartmentLabel2 |
intersection |
Parsed Elements | ApartmentNumber |
parsedAddress |
Parsed Elements | ApartmentNumber2 |
intersection |
Parsed Elements | CrossStreetLeadingDirectional |
intersection |
Parsed Elements |
CrossStreetName |
intersection |
Parsed Elements | CrossStreetSuffix |
intersection |
Parsed Elements | CrossStreetTrailingDirectional |
intersection |
Parsed Elements | HouseNumber |
parsedAddress |
Parsed Elements | HouseNumber2 |
intersection |
Parsed Elements | LeadingDirectional |
segment |
Parsed Elements | PrivateMailbox |
postal |
Parsed Elements | Designator | postal |
Parsed Elements | StreetName |
parsedAddress |
Parsed Elements | StreetSuffix |
segment |
Parsed Elements | TrailingDirectional | segment |
Postal Data | CityPreferredName | parsedAddress |
Postal Data | CityStateRecordName | |
Postal Data | DeliveryPointCode | |
Postal Data | GovernmentBuilding |
postal |
Postal Data | PostalBarCode |
postal |
Postal Data | PostalCodeClass |
postal |
Postal Data | PostalCodeUnique | |
Postal Data | PostalFacility |
postal |
Postal Data | USBCCheckDigit |
postal |
Postal Data | USCarrierRouteCode |
postal |
Postal Data | USCarrierRouteSort |
postal |
Postal Data | USCityDelivery | |
Postal Data | USLOTCode |
postal |
Postal Data |
USLACS, * if LacsLink |
lacs |
Postal Data | USLACS.ReturnCode * if LacsLink |
lacs |
Qualifiers | AddressLineResolved | |
Qualifiers | CountryLevel | |
Qualifiers | EWSMatch | Other |
Qualifiers | GeoStanMatchScore | |
Qualifiers |
Geocode.MatchCode, |
Qualifiers | Intersection | postal |
Qualifiers | IsAlias | |
Qualifiers | IsCloseMatch | |
Qualifiers | LACSAddress | |
Qualifiers | LocationCode | |
Qualifiers |
LocationCode.Description, * if Verbose |
Qualifiers | MatchCode | |
Qualifiers |
MatchCode.Description, *if Verbose |
Qualifiers | RecordType | |
Qualifiers |
RecordType.Default |
Qualifiers | StreetDataType | |
Qualifiers | DatabaseVersion | |
Qualifiers | ExpirationDate | |
Qualifiers | StreetDataCode | |
Range |
Alternate |
Range | HouseNumberHigh |
Segment |
Range | HouseNumberLow |
Segment |
Range | HouseNumberParity |
Segment |
Range | PostalCodeExtensionHigh |
Segment |
Range | PostalCodeExtensionLow |
Segment |
Range | UnitNumberHigh |
Segment |
Range | UnitNumberLow |
Segment |
Range | UnitNumberParity | |
Segment |
BlockLeft |
Segment |
Segment | BlockRight | Segment |
Segment | BlockSuffixLeft | Segment |
Segment | BlockSuffixRight | Segment |
Segment | RoadClass | Segment |
Segment | SegmentCode | Segment |
Segment | SegmentDirection | Segment |
Segment | SegmentHouseNumberHigh | Segment |
Segment | SegmentHouseNumberLow | Segment |
Segment | SegmentLength | Segment |
Segment | SegmentParity | Segment |
Segment | PointCode | Segment |
Segment | APN | |
Segment | Elevation | |
Always Returned |
streetSide |
Always Returned | AdditionalInputData | |
Always Returned | AddressLine1 | |
Always Returned | AddressLine2 | |
Always Returned | LastLine | |
Always Returned | City |
parsedAddress |
Always Returned | Country | |
Always Returned | FirmName |
parsedAddress |
Always Returned | PostalCode |
parsedAddress |
Always Returned |
PostalCode.Base |
parsedAddress |
Always Returned |
PostalCode.AddOn |
parsedAddress |
Always Returned | StateProvince |
parsedAddress |
Always Returned | USUrbanName | postal |
Always Returned | Latitude |
*As point |
Always Returned | Longitude |
*As point |
Always Returned | LocationCode |
Quality descrip |
Always Returned | MatchCode |
Quality descrip |
Always Returned | streetDataType | |
Always Returned | Confidence | |
Always Returned | ProcessedBy | |
Always Returned | PBKey | |
SuitelineRetCode |
suiteLink |
RuralRouteDefault |
postal |
postal |
HiRiseDflt |
postal |
MailStop |
postal |