Example: JSON GET Request & Response

The following is an example of a JSON GET request for the Geocode service. Note that the query parameters are separated by an ampersand.

GET http://myserver:8080/rest/GlobalGeocode/geocode.json?
mainAddress=SANTA ANA&country=Mex&areaName1=DISTRITO FEDERAL
&postalCode=44910 HTTP/1.1

The following shows the JSON response returned by the previous request.

   "totalPossibleCandidates": 3,
   "totalMatches": 3,
   "candidates": [
         "precisionLevel": 3,
         "formattedStreetAddress": "",
         "formattedLocationAddress": "44910 GUADALAJARA, JALISCO",
         "identifier": null,
         "precisionCode": "Z1",
         "sourceDictionary": "0",
         "matching": null,
         "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
            "crs": {
               "type": "name",
               "properties": {
                  "name": "epsg:4326"
         "address": {
            "mainAddressLine": "",
            "addressLastLine": "44910 GUADALAJARA, JALISCO",
            "placeName": "",
            "areaName1": "JALISCO",
            "areaName2": "GUADALAJARA",
            "areaName3": "GUADALAJARA",
            "areaName4": "8 DE JULIO 1RA SECC",
            "postCode1": "44910",
            "postCode2": "",
            "country": "MEX",
            "addressNumber": "",
            "streetName": "",
            "unitType": null,
            "unitValue": null,
            "customFields": {}
         "ranges": []