Reverse Geocode GET Request

The GET request enables you to submit an input coordinate and a coordinate reference system, and optionally specify a search distance and country code to use for matching. The associated address data is returned. The preference options for a GET request are a subset of the total available with the POST request.

Base URI

http://<server>:<port>/rest/GlobalGeocode/database/<DBname>/reverseGeocode[,content type]?[query parameters]


[.content type] indicates that the specified content type will be used by default. Optional.
Default content type is JSON, unless superseded by HTTP content negotiation
Default content type is XML, unless superseded by HTTP content negotiation

[query parameters] are described in the following section.

Query Parameters

The following table defines the GET query parameters for the Reverse Geocode service. For information on the response, see ReverseGeocodeServiceResponse Object.
Name Type Description
x Double Longitude in degrees. Required. For example: -79.391165
y Double Latitude in degrees. Required. For example: 43.643469
country String Three-letter ISO country code, for example: CAN. Optional. For a list of ISO codes, see ISO 3166-1 Country Codes.
coordSysName String (URL-encoded) Specifies the coordinate system that you want to convert the geometry to. The format must be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code or the SRID code. Default = EPSG:4326.

Specify the coordinate reference system in the format codespace:code.

distance Double Sets the radius in which the Reverse Geocode service searches for a match to the input coordinates. The unit of measurement is specified using distanceUnits. Default = 150 meters. Maximum value = 5280 feet (1 mile ) or 1609 meters.
distanceUnits String Specifies the unit of measurement for the search distance. One of the following:
  • Feet
  • Meters - Default