Entity Browser Layout

The Entity Browser defines queries to display entities. A query selects entities and includes expressions to display entities based on property values.

The Entity Browser has several different components that you can use to query models and select entities. Options order the results and specify entity properties returned by a query, while input fields define property value criteria in expressions. Saved queries can be used in the Canvas, Map, and Table workspaces.

Figure 1. Entity Browser components
Image of Entity Browser layout

1. Entity types 2. Property expressions 3. Saved queries 4. Order selection 5. Properties selection 6. Input tab 7. Results table

Entity types
Lists entity types returned by a query. The Run query button executes a query in Entity Browser. The Export button saves query results to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
Property expressions
Match ALL or Match ANY operators group expressions in a query. The expressions specify entities returned by a query based on property values. An expression evaluates property values either based on a Literal value specified in the expression or based on a Field value that must be entered before running a query.
Saved queries
Lists and selects saved queries. The New query button clears an existing query to create a new query. The Save query button saves the query currently defined in the workspace. The Delete query button deletes a query from the list. Saved queries are available in the Canvas, Map, and Table workspaces.
Order selection
This option orders entities by column values in ascending or descending order. You can also click a column heading on the results table to reorder entities by values in the column.
Properties selection
Checking or unchecking the check boxes for this option determine which entity properties are displayed by columns in the results table.
Input tab
This tab displays fields in query expressions. Field values must be entered before running a query. Values entered on this tab are saved as default values for fields when you save a query.
Results table
Specifies results of a query. The first column of the table lists entity labels while the remaining columns show property values for each entity. A cell is empty when an entity does not have a value for a property. The number of entities in the table is displayed at the bottom of the table.