
The Canvas toolbar at the top of the page provides the following options:

Undo or redo the last action.
Fit to bounds
Set the size of the elements to fit the bounds of the canvas.
Zoom to selected
Zoom in on the selected entities on the canvas.
Apply current layout
Apply the currently selected layout to the elements on the canvas.
  • Organic —Based on a force-directed layout paradigm; useful for models that use enterprise networking, system management, and World Wide Web (WWW) visualization.
  • Circular —Emphasizes group and tree structures within a network and analyzes the connectivity structure of the network and arranges the partitions as separate circles. Useful for models that depict social networks, network management, and eCommerce.
  • Radial—Places entities on circles around a common center (also known as the root), expanding outward, similar to rings in a tree. The center entity is the first entity, the first ring contains the "children" entities of the first entity, the second ring contains the "children" entities of the entities from the first ring, and so on. Useful for models that depict social networks, web analysis, or organizations with a central authority and multiple levels of management.
  • Hierarchical Edge Bundling —Bundles groups of edges together using edge compatibility measures. This layout reflects high-level patterns, reduces visual clutter, and more clearly displays relationships that are based on fewer connections. Useful for models that depict social networks.
  • Hierarchical —Highlights the main direction or flow within a directed model. The entities of a model are placed in hierarchically arranged layers such that most of the relationships of the model show the same overall orientation (for example, top-to-bottom). Useful for models that depict workflows, database modeling, and process modeling.
  • Orthogonal —Acts as a multipurpose layout provider for undirected models. It produces compact drawings with no overlaps, few crossings, and few bends. Useful for models that use database schema, system management, and software engineering.
  • Tree —Presents data in a hierarchical manner, resulting in several individual squares and rectangles that together form a whole.
Apply the selected centrality algorithm to the open model. The size of the entities and their labels will adjust accordingly.
  • Influence —Identifies entities that have strong influence in the network due to their direct links to other highly active or well-connected entities.

  • Closeness —Identifies entities that may have best access to other parts of the network and visibility of activities within the rest of the network.

  • Betweenness —Identifies entities that control the information flow between different parts of the network.
  • Degree —Identifies entities that have the most direct links to others.

Centrality options for Influence and Degree
  • Incoming —Results will be based on relationships coming into the entity.
  • Incoming & Outgoing—Results will be based on incoming and outgoing relationships.
  • Outgoing —Results will be based on relationships going out of the entity.
  • Relationship weight property—Identifies which relationship property should be used as weight for centrality.
Centrality options for Closeness and Betweeness
  • Directed —Results will be based on the direction of relationships of the model. The direction will be from entity source to entity target.
  • Relationship weight property—Identifies which relationship property should be used as weight for centrality.
Property Gradients
Adjust the size of entities, relationships, and their labels.
  • Entity gradient property—Identifies which numeric or temporal entity property should be used as weight for gradients.
    • Lower values are more significant—Low values for the entity property are more significant.
    • Higher values are more significant—High values for the entity property are more significant.
  • Relationship gradient property—Identifies which numeric or temporal relationship property should be used as weight for gradients.
    • Lower values are more significant—Low values for the relationship property are more significant.
    • Higher values are more significant—High values for the relationship property are more significant.
Restore Default Decorations
Undo centrality and gradient changes and restore defaults.
Select all entities
Select all entities on the canvas.
Select connected
Select remaining connections for the selected entities.
Select incoming
Select all entities that are coming into the selected entities on the canvas.
Select outgoing
Select all entities that are going out of the selected entities on the canvas.
Load connected
Load remaining connections for the selected entities within limits set by Load options Maximum Entities.
Load incoming
Load all entities that are coming into the selected entities on the canvas
Load outgoing
Load all entities that are going out of the selected entities on the canvas.
Load options
  • Fill in Relationships—Return additional relationships revealed in discovery. If the discovered entities were connected to additional entities already on the canvas (other than the any selected prior to using Discovery), those relationships will also be returned.
  • Relationships—Select which relationships you want to be returned on the canvas.
  • Maximum entities—Return no more than this number of entities onto the canvas. Default is 100.
Load shortest paths
Select on the canvas the smallest number of entities and relationships required to connect the two currently selected entities.
Shortest path options
  • Relationships—Select which relationships you want to be returned in the shortest path.
  • Maximum paths—Return no more than this number of paths onto the canvas. Default is 20.
  • Maximum path length—Return a path whose length is no greater than this number. Default is 20.
  • Timeout—The number of seconds that can elapse before the request times out. Default is 10.
Filter entities and relationships by type and property values. You can filter on entities, on relationships, or on both entities and relationships simultaneously.
The Clear Filters button appears next to the Filters button whenever filters are applied to entities and relationships on the canvas. Click this button to clear the filters and display all of the entities and relationships currently on the canvas.
For more information, see Filters Tool.
Unload selected
Remove all currently selected entities.
Unload options
  • Unload selected—Remove all currently selected entities.
  • Unload unselected—Remove all entities that are currently not selected.
  • Unload all—Remove all entities from the canvas.