Attribute Phrases

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string The repository name
entity int The entity ID
attribute int The attribute ID
GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/phrases

Gets a complete list of phrases for an attribute.

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1/attributes/55/phrases HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

The list of phrases may be quite long; if so, the list can be paged:

POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/phrases

Get a page of phrases for an attribute

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1/attributes/55/phrases HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "get",
    "options": {
        "pageStart": 1,
        "pageSize": 32

The response is a Standard Response.

The columns array will show the following columns:

Human Name Column Name Description
Phrase _value The phrase found in the values
Words _words The number of words in the phrase
Value Count VALUE_COUNT The number of values that contained this phrase
Frequency FREQUENCY_COUNT The number of rows that contained this phrase
Dist % _distribution A measure of how much of the attribute contains this phrase

A datarow element will look like:

    "dataRow": [