Business Rule Commands

Business rules can be manipulated from a Repository level and from an Entity level.

The commands that can be performed against a business rule (or rules) are as follows:

Command Purpose
get Get a list of rules that match the filter criteria
add Add a new business rule
edit Edit an existing business rule
run Run a business rule


Abbreviations used in this document:

Term Meaning
EID Entity ID (integer)
AID Attribute ID (integer)
RID Rule ID (integer)


The business rule view has the following columns:

Human Name Column Name Description
Name actual_name Test name
Description actual_description Test Description
Threshold _actual_threshold Compliance Threshold Percentage
Derived _inheriting Is this rule derived from a library entity
Library _eLibName Associated library entity containing this rule
Enabled _check True if the test is enabled
Priority actual_priority Priority of the rule
Priority Description _priority_description Description of the priority
Index Control _index_control Compliance Threshold Percentage
Index Threshold _index_threshold Compliance Threshold Percentage
Result _result Result of the test
Passing Fraction _actual_fraction Percentage of rows that pass the test
Status _dirty_flag Indicates whether the test is out of date
Expression _predicate The Business Rule Test
Filtering _is_filtering Are the rows being filtered
Filter Expression _filter_predicate The Business Rule Filter
Filter Error Count _filter_error_count Number of rows that caused an error while running the filter
Filter First Error Row _filter_first_error_row First row that caused a filter error
Filter First Error _filter_first_error Error message for first row failing the filter
Grouping _is_grouping Are the rows being grouped
Group Count _group_count Number of groups found
Group Function _group_function Business Rule Group-by function
Group Error Count _group_error_count Number of rows that caused an error in the group function
Group First Error Row _group_first_error_row First row that caused a group function error
Group First Error _group_first_error Error message for first row failing the group function
Aggregating _is_aggregating Are the rows being aggregated
Passing Aggregate _aggregate_pass Aggregate value across the passing rows
Failing Aggregate _aggregate_fail Aggregate value across the failng rows
Aggregate Method _aggregate_method Method used to aggregate
Aggregate Function _aggregate_function Business Rule Aggregate function
Aggregate Error Count _aggregate_error_count Number of rows that caused an error in the aggregate function
Aggregate First Error Row _aggregate_first_error_row First row that caused an aggregate function error
Aggregate First Error _aggregate_first_error Error message for first row failing the aggregate function
Fail Count _row_fail_count Number of Rows that Fail the Test
Pass Count _row_pass_count Number of Rows that Pass the Test
Rows Processed _row_total Number of Rows processed
Row Total row_total Total Number of Rows
Created By CREATED_BY Who created this business rule
Date Created _created_date When this business rule was created
Edited By EDITED_BY Who changed this business rule
Date Changed _edited_date When this business rule was changed
Error Count _row_error_count Number of rows that caused an error while running the test
First Error Row _first_fail_row First row that caused an error
First Error _first_error Error message for first failing row
Referenced Attributes refd_atts A list of the attributes referenced by this rule
XML actual_predicate Business Rule represented in XML
Sequence Number seqno Sequence number identifying the rule
Identifier actual_uuid The rule identifier
Local identifier _local_identifier A unique identifier for the rule
Rule Categories _rule_categories Business Rule categories

Index Control

Index Control is optional; if it is specified, it must be one of the following values:

Value Description
0 Normal
1 Unlimited
2 Limited

If Index Control is 2 (Limited), the Index Threshold must also be specified.

Aggregate Method

Possible values for the aggregate method are:

Value Description
0 Sum
1 Average
2 Maximum
3 Maximum
4 Count


An individual business rule can be retrieved using a GET with the rule ID.

If the rule ID is unknown, or if more than one rule is required, various filters can be used to limit the number of rules listed.

    "command": "get",
    "options": {
        "where": "where clause",
        "in": [
            "column_name1 value1",
            "column_nameN valueN"
        "keyPattern": "key pattern",
        "keyPatternList": [
            "key pattern 1",
            "key pattern N"

The options key is required.

keyPattern and keyPatternList cannot be specified at the same time.

The where clause is an expression used to filter the business rules. The expression for the where clause uses “Human Name” to specify the column names.

For example:

    "where": "'Sequence Number' > 15"

The in clause is an array of column names and values. The column names should be taken from “Column Name”.

For example:

    "in": [
        "_inheriting 1",
        "_actual_threshold 10"


To add a business rule, the request may contain the fields below:

    "command": "add",
    "data": {
       "name": "Rule4",
       "description": "description",
       "threshold": "100",
       "enabled": "1",
       "expression": "attr2>0",
       "filterExpression": "new2>9",
       "groupExpression": "new5=0",
       "groupLimit": "0",
       "aggregateExpression": "acc_id<0",
       "aggregateMethod": "0",
       "priority": "1",
       "threshold": "100",
       "ruleKeywordIdList": "1 0: 2 1"

The required fields for adding a rule are:

  • expression
  • threshold
  • name

The additional expressions (aggregateExpression, filterExpression, groupExpression) are optional; it is possible to add a business rule without specifying any of these expressions.

Field Description Values
expression Humanized expression  
threshold Numerical threshold value Between 0 to 100
enabled Name of the library rule 0 or 1
description Description of the library rule  
filterExpression Humanized expression for filter  
aggregateExpression Humanized aggregate expression  
groupExpression Humanized group expression  
groupLimit Numerical value for group limit  
aggregateMethod Name of aggregate method A number indicating the aggregate method to be used (see above)
indexControl Numeric value A number indicating how indexes are controlled (see above)
indexThreshold Valid only if indexControl is 2  
priority Numeric value between 1 and 10  
ruleKeywordIdList Array of keyword IDs List of <category_id keyword_id> separated by colon. a value of 0 in keyword_id fields specify that the rule is attached to all the keywords of that category.


    "command": "edit",
    "data": {
        "entity": 1,
        "ruleId": 2,
        "name": "Rule4",
        "description": "description",
        "enabled": "1",
        "expression": "attr2>0",
        "filterExpression": "new2>9",
        "groupExpression": "new5=0",
        "groupLimit": "0",
        "aggregateExpression": "acc_id < 0",
        "aggregateMethod": "0",
        "priority": "1",
        "threshold": "100",
        "ruleKeywordIdList": "1 0: 2 1"

The table below shows all the fields that are available for edit.

Field Description Values
expression Humanized expression  
threshold Numerical threshold value Between 0 to 100
enabled Name of the library rule 0 or 1
description Description of the library rule  
filterExpression Humanized expression for filter  
aggregateExpression Humanized aggregate expression  
groupExpression Humanized group expression  
groupLimit Numerical value for group limit  
aggregateMethod Name of aggregate method A number indicating the aggregate method to be used (see above)
indexControl Numeric value A number indicating how indexes are controlled (see above)
indexThreshold Valid only if indexControl is 2  
priority Numeric value between 1 and 10  
ruleKeywordIdList Array of keyword IDs List of <categoryId keywordId> separated by colon. A value of 0 in keywordId fields specify that the rule is attached to all the keywords of that category.

The entity and ruleId must be specified, either in the URL or the body. All other fields are optional.


To run a business rule, the request will look like:

    "command": "run",
    "data": {
        "entity": "EID",
        "option": "Analysis options (see below)",
        "ruleIds": [
            "EID AID RID"

The entity field is optional see options table below:

  • where Entity ID is required, it can be given as entity field or within a URL link.
  • where Entity ID is optional, it can be given if you want to only run rules for a given entity.

The option field is required.

The analysis options (for the option field) are as follows:

Option Purpose
-all Run all rules for a given entity (Entity ID is required)
-dirty Run all updated rules for a given entity (Entity ID is required)
-selected Run all selected rules for a given entity (Entity ID is required)
-allentity Run all entity rules (Entity ID is ignored)
-selectedentity Run the selected entity (Entity ID is ignored)
-dirtyentity Run all updated entity rules (Entity ID is optional)

The ruleIds field is optional:

  • It is only required if using the following options: “-selected” or “-selectedentity”.
  • The ruleIds field not required when a rule ID is given in the URL link.
  • If ruleIds field is present it must contain one or more key patterns for the rules to be run. The key patterns for an individual rule are dependent upon the option used.

When using the “-selected” option, the API expects list of key patterns containing just the Rule ID. For example, to run several business rules (1 0 4, 1 0 5) for a single entity, you would use the following:

    "command": "run",
    "data": {
        "entity": "EID",
        "option": "-selected",
        "ruleIds": [

When using the “-selectedentity” option, the API expects list of key patterns containing Entity ID, Attribute ID and Rule ID. For example, to run several business rules (1 0 4, 2 0 5, 3 0 7) for different entities, you would use the following:

    "command": "run",
    "data": {
        "option": "-selectedentity",
        "ruleIds": [
            "1 0 4",
            "2 0 5",
            "3 0 7"

When using the “-allentity” option without using the “where” clause, a separate analysis job is scheduled for each entity.

The response will be dependent on number of separate jobs scheduled.

If multiple jobs were scheduled then response is a list of job urls:

  "urls": [

If a single job is scheduled then the response is a single job url:

  "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/55"

Using “where” clause with Run command

The “where” clause is only supported when running entity business rule, the request will look like:

POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/businessrules

Run a list of entity business rules for all Entity that match various criteria.

JSON Parameters:
  • body – The request body
POST /api/repositories/test/entities/0/businessrules HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "run",
    "data": {
        "option": "-allentity",
        "where": "Threshold >= 10"

The following conditions will apply to run a entity business rule using “where” clause:

  • It is supported only when calling /api/repositories/test/entities/0/businessrules endpoint.
  • The entityId in the endpoint must be set to 0.
  • The option field is required and must be set as “-allentity”.
  • The where field is required and must contain a humanised expression required to match required criteria.

The response will be dependent on the number of separate jobs scheduled. One job will be scheduled for each entity where the where clause is applicable.

If multiple jobs were scheduled then response is a list of job urls:

  "urls": [

If a single job is scheduled then the response is a single job url:

  "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/59"