Verify Dependencies for an Entity

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string the name of the Repository
entity int The ID of the entity to view
dependencyKey string The dependency key


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/dependencies/(string: dependencyKey)/verify/

Schedule a job to verify a single dependency of the corresponding Entity

GET /api/repositories/test/entities/1/dependencies/5-2/verify/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will contain the URL of the scheduled job.

"uri": "/api/repositories/test/scheduler/276"


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/dependencies/

Schedule a job to verify multiple dependencies of the corresponding entity.

POST /api/repositories/test/entities/1/dependencies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "verify",
    "data": {
        "jobName": "Rule Verification",
        "attributes": [
            {"rhs": "1", "lhs": "2 3 4"},
            {"rhs": "2", "lhs": "5 6 7"}
Response Code Reason
200 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
verify Verify one or more dependencies.

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The following fields should be sent as part of data:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
jobName No Rule Verification Name of the scheduled verify dependencies job
attributes Yes NA Array of Right Hand Side (RHS) and Left Hand Side (LHS) attribute pairs to verify.
rhs Yes NA Right Hand Side (RHS) attribute.
lhs Yes NA Left Hand Side (LHS) attributes.

The response will contain the URL of the scheduled job.

"uri": "/api/repositories/test/scheduler/276"

Verify Dependencies for an Attribute

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string the name of the Repository
entity int The ID of the entity to view
attribute int The ID of the attribute to view
dependencyKey string The dependency key


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/dependencies/(string: dependencyKey)/verify/

Schedule a job to verify a single dependency of the corresponding Entity

GET /api/repositories/test/entities/1/attributes/1/dependencies/5-1_2_3_4/verify/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will contain the URL of the scheduled job.

"uri": "/api/repositories/test/scheduler/276"


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/dependencies/

Schedule a job to verify multiple dependencies of the corresponding entity.

POST /api/repositories/test/entities/1/attribute/1/dependencies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "verify",
    "data": {
        "jobName": "Rule Verification",
        "attributes": [
            {"rhs": "1", "lhs": "2 3 4"},
            {"rhs": "2", "lhs": "5 6 7"}
Response Code Reason
200 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
verify Verify one or more dependencies.

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The following fields should be sent as part of data:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
jobName No Rule Verification Name of the scheduled verify dependencies job
attributes Yes NA Array of Right Hand Side (RHS) and Left Hand Side (LHS) attribute pairs to verify.
rhs Yes NA Right Hand Side (RHS) attribute.
lhs Yes NA Left Hand Side (LHS) attributes.

The response will contain the URL of the scheduled job.

"uri": "/api/repositories/test/scheduler/276"