Permanent Joins of an Entity

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string the name of the Repository
entity int The ID of the entity to view


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/joins/permanent

Lists permanent joins of the corresponding Entity

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1/joins/permanent HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list of permanent joins in the corresponding Entity.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for each data row.

Human Name Column Name Description
Left Entity ID LEFT_ENTITY_ID Left source entity ID
Left Attribute List LEFT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST List of attribute Ids comprising left hand (compound) join
Right Entity ID RIGHT_ENTITY_ID Right source entity ID
Right Attribute List RIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST List of attribute Ids comprising right hand (compound) join
Sequence SEQUENCE A sequence number allowing for multiple joins to be defined between 2 entities
Status _status Whether the join is permananent,discovered, deleted or in a project
Left Entity _left_ename Left hand source entity
Left Expression _left_expr Expression of LH attributes comprising the left hand side of the (compound) join
Right Entity _right_ename Right hand source entity
Right Expression _right_expr Expression of RH attributes comprising the right hand side of the (compound) join
Matching Values COMMON_VALUES The number of distinct joined values
Inner joined rows INNER_PRODUCT The number of rows in the inner join - joining rows only
Outer joined rows _full_outer_product The number of rows in the outer join - joining rows and non-joining rows from both sides
Left Non-Matching Values LEFT_NOT_MATCH_VALUES The number of distinct values on the left-hand side that did not join
Left Non-Matching Rows LEFT_NOT_MATCH_ROWS The number of rows on the left-hand side that did not join
Left outer joined rows _left_outer_product The number of rows in the left outer join - joining rows and non-joining left rows
Right Non-Matching Values RIGHT_NOT_MATCH_VALUES The number of distinct values on the right-hand side that did not join
Right Non-Matching Rows RIGHT_NOT_MATCH_ROWS The number of rows on the right-hand side that did not join
Right outer joined rows _right_outer_product The number of rows in the right outer join - - joining rows and non-joining right rows
Left Loaded Rows _left_loaded_rows Number of rows in the left hand source entity
Left Filter _left_select The filter used to select the rows from the left hand entity
Left Selected Rows _left_rows The number of rows selected by the Left hand filter (or loaded rows if not filtered)
Right Loaded Rows _right_loaded_rows Number of rows in the right hand source entity
Right Filter _right_select The filter used to select the rows from the right hand entity
Right Selected Rows _right_rows The number of rows selected by the right hand filter (or loaded rows if not filtered)
Join Type _join_type Whether the join used original values or a Standardised, Metaphone or Pattern function
Actual Cardinality ACTUAL_CARDINALITY The actual cardinality of the join
Inferred Cardinality INFERRED_CARDINALITY The Inferred Cardinality of the join
Exact Cardinality EXACT_CARDINALITY The ‘exact’ cardinality of the join. This is defined as the ratio Left cardinality : Right Cardinality
Match Best MATCH_BEST The percentage match of the join (best match of Values,LHrows or RHrows)
Match Values MATCH_VALUES % of values that joined
Match LHrows MATCH_LHROWS % of LH rows that joined
Match RHrows MATCH_RHROWS % of RH rows that joined
Left Join Rows LEFT_JOIN_ROWS The number of rows from the left-hand side that joined
Left Join Cardinality LEFT_JOIN_CARDINALITY The cardinality of the joined values from the left-hand side of the join. On average, each joining value occurs this number of times on the LHS
Right Join Rows RIGHT_JOIN_ROWS The number of rows from the right-hand side that joined
Right Join Cardinality RIGHT_JOIN_CARDINALITY The cardinality of the joined values from the right-hand side of the join. On average, each joining value occurs this number of times on the RHS
Join Card One One JOIN_CARD_ONE_ONE Number of joined values with 1:1 cardinality
Join Card One Many JOIN_CARD_ONE_MANY Number of joined values with 1:M cardinality
Join Rows One Many JOIN_ROWS_ONE_MANY Number of joined rows with 1:M cardinality
Join Card Many One JOIN_CARD_MANY_ONE Number of joined values with M:1 cardinality
Join Rows Many One JOIN_ROWS_MANY_ONE Number of joined rows with M:1 cardinality
Join Card Many Many JOIN_CARD_MANY_MANY Number of joined values with M:M cardinality
Join Rows Many Many JOIN_ROWS_MANY_MANY Number of joined rows with M:M cardinality
Analyzed Date _analysed_date When the join was analyzed
Analyzed By ANALYSED_BY Who analyzed the data.
Created By CREATED_BY Who created the join.
Created Date _created_date When the join definition was created
Performed By PERFORMED_BY Who created the join result index.
Performed Date _performed_date When the result join index was created.
Edited By EDITED_BY Who edited the join definition
Edited Date _edited_date Edited Date
Note Count note.COUNT The number of notes for this join
Join Job JOIN_JOB The name of the join wizard job which created the join
Join Job ID JOB_ID The ID of the join wizard job which created the join
Join Index JOIN_INDEX Join Result index name
Join Result Segment __JOIN_RESULT_SEGMENT Whether the result is the natural (inner) join, or an outer (full,left or right) join.
Left No Matching Row Action __DOC_LEFT_NO_MATCH_OPTION Documented left non matching row action, eg. accept,ignore, reject or warning
Right No Matching Row Action __DOC_RIGHT_NO_MATCH_OPTION Documented right non matching row action, eg. accept,ignore, reject or warning
Join key _join_key System Join key

data row will contain the list of permanent joins of the corresponding Entity:

"rows": [
    "dataRow": [
    "2015/03/04 15:46:48",
    "2015/03/04 15:46:49",
    "57 1 58 1 1"
    "metadata": {
        "url": "/api/repositories/alpha/entities/57/joins/57-1-58-1-1"

If there are no permanent joins in the Entity, rows will be an empty string.


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/joins/permanent

Lists permanent joins of the corresponding Entity

JSON Parameters:
  • body – The request body
POST /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1/joins/permanent HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "get",
    "options": {
Response Code Reason
200 Success
400 Invalid request body
400 Invalid command
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
get Lists permanent joins of an Entity that matches the criteria in Options

The response will be a Standard Response, same as described for the above get requests, with a list of permanent joins in the corresponding Entity matching the given criteria in Options.