Library Entities

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities

Retrieves a list of all library entities in a repository

POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities
Parameter Type Purpose
repository string the name of the repository


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/count

Returns the number of library entities in the repository.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response contains the number of library entities in the repository.

    "count": "5"

Show All

Show all library entities.

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error

The response will be a Standard Response.

The columns displayed for each Library Entity are:

Human Name Column Name Description
ID model_entity_id Internal entity reference
Name name The schema name for the library entity
Description description Business Description
Attributes _display_attributes The number of attributes
Business Rules _business_rules The number of business rules defined for this library
Created By CREATED_BY User who created the library
Date Created _created_date When the library was created
Edited By EDITED_BY The user who last edited the library
Edited Date _edited_date When the library was last edited
Associations _associations Are there any associations for this rule.

The rows array will contain one element for each Library Entity:

    "dataRow": [
        "Test Library Entity",
        "2014/11/06 12:25:12",
        "2014/11/13 11:55:02",
    "metadata": {
        "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities/2"

If there are no library entities, the rows value will be an empty array.


Show a filtered list of library entities.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "get",
    "options": {
        "pageStart": 1,
        "pageSize": 30

The list of repositories may be paged and/or filtered; the request requires a Standard Request.

The response is a Standard Response containing a list of repositories matching the criteria in the request. See the show all section for more detail.


Add an entity to the library.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "add",
    "data": {
        "name": "entity name",
        "description": "entity description"
Response Code Reason
201 Success
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet; the command field must be add.

The name field is required; description is optional.

If the operation completes successfully, the response contains the URL to the new library entity.


Associate a library entity with one or more real entities.

See the associate command for more detail.


Disassociate a library entity from one or more real entities.

See the disassociate command for more detail.


Promote one or more business rules from a real entity to a library entity.

See the promote command for more detail.


Import one or more library entity business rules.

See the import command for more detail.


Export one or more entities from the library.

For more detail, see the export command.

Delete Unused Attributes

Delete unused attributes from one or more library entities.

See the delete unused attributes command for more detail.