Library Entity Business Rule

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string The name of the Repository
libraryID int The ID of the library entity
ruleID int The ID of the rule


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/(int: libraryID)/businessrules/(int: ruleID)

Get details of a business rule for a Library Entity. The GET request supports page and pageSize parameters on the URL. If you require a subset of this data (filtering, sorting, or columns), POST to this url with the standard request body.

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities/2/businessrules/1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response. The columns array will contain the following:

Human Name Column Name Description
Name actual_name Test name.
Description actual_description Test Description.
Threshold threshold_percent Compliance ThresholdPercentage.
Enabled _model_check True if the test is enabled.
Priority actual_priority Priority of the rule.
Priority Description _priority_description Description of the priority
Index Control _model_index_control Compliance Threshold Percentage.
Index Threshold _model_index_threshold Compliance Threshold Percentage.
Expression predicate The Business Rule Test.
Filtering _model_is_filtering Are the rows being filtered.
Filter Expression _model_filter_predicate The Business Rule Filter.
Grouping _model_is_grouping Are the rows being grouped.
Group Function _model_group_function Business Rule Group-by function
Aggregating _model_is_aggregating Are the rows being aggregated
Aggregate Method _model_aggregate_method Method used to aggregate.
Aggregate Function _model_aggregate_function Business Rule Aggregate function
Created By CREATED_BY Who created this business rule.
Date Created _created_date When this business rule was created.
Edited By EDITED_BY Who changed this business rule.
Date Changed _edited_date When this business rule was changed.
XML actual_predicate Business Rule represented in XML.
Sequence Number seqno Sequence number identifying the rule.
Identifier actual_uuid The rule identifier.
Local identifier _local_identifier A unique identifier for the rule.
Rule Categories _rule_categories Business Rule categories.
Associations _associations Are there any associations for this rule.

If there isn’t a business rule matching the rule ID, or the Library Entity does not exist, the rows array will be empty.

If the rule does exist, the rows array will have a single element:

    "dataRow": [
        "<expr><text>Row &lt;&gt; 0</text><ne><var>:rowid:</var><int>0</int></ne></expr>\r\r\n",
        "2014/11/06 12:25:13",
        "<expr><text>Row &lt;&gt; 0</text><ne><var>:rowid:</var><int>0</int></ne></expr>\r\r\n",
    "metadata": {
        "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities/2/businessrules/1"


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/(int: libraryID)/businessrules/(int: ruleID)

Add a business rule for a Library Entity.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities/2/businessrules HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "add",
    "data": {
        "NAME" : "Rule4",
        "DESCRIPTION" : "description",
        "ENABLED" : "1",
        "EXPRESSION" : "attr2>0",
        "FILTER_EXPRESSION" : "new2>9",
        "GROUP_EXPRESSION" : "new5=0",
        "GROUP_LIMIT" : "0",
        "AGGREGATE_EXPRESSION" : "acc_id<0",
        "AGGREGATE_METHOD" : "0",
        "PRIORITY" : "1",
        "THRESHOLD" : "100",
        "RULE_KEYWORD_ID_LIST":"1 0:2 1"
Response Code Reason
204 Success
400 No command specified
400 Invalid command
400 No data received
400 Error converting data to Tcl
400 Error executing command

The table below shows all the fields that are available for edit.

Field Description Values
EXPRESSION Humanized expression  
THRESHOLD Numerical threshold value Between 0 to 100
ENABLED Name of the library rule 0 or 1
DESCRIPTION Description of the library rule  
FILTER_EXPRESSION Humanized expression for filter  
AGGREGATE_EXPRESSION Humanized aggregate expression  
GROUP_EXPRESSION Humanized group expression  
GROUP_LIMIT Numerical value for group limit  
AGGREGATE_METHOD Name of aggregate method 0 to 4. Here is the mapping of the number to aggregate method:0-Sum 1-Average 2-Maximum 3-Minimum and 4-Count
INDEX_CONTROL Numeric value 0 1 or 2. Mapping of number to index_control: 0-Normal 1-Unlimited and 2-Limited.
PRIORITY Numeric value between 1 and 10  
RULE_KEYWORD_ID_LIST Array of keyword IDs List of <category_id keyword_id> separated by colon. A value of 0 in keyword_id fields specify that the rule is attached to all the keywords of that category.
All the fields are optional.


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/(int: libraryID)/businessrules/(int: ruleID)

Edit a business rule for a Library Entity.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities/2/businessrules/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "edit",
    "data": {
        "NAME" : "Rule4",
        "DESCRIPTION" : "description",
        "ENABLED" : "1",
        "EXPRESSION" : "attr2>0",
        "FILTER_EXPRESSION" : "new2>9",
        "GROUP_EXPRESSION" : "new5=0",
        "GROUP_LIMIT" : "0",
        "AGGREGATE_EXPRESSION" : "acc_id<0",
        "AGGREGATE_METHOD" : "0",
        "PRIORITY" : "1",
        "THRESHOLD" : "100",
        "RULE_KEYWORD_ID_LIST":"1 0:2 1"
Response Code Reason
204 Success
400 No command specified
400 Invalid command
400 No data received
400 Error converting data to Tcl
400 Error executing command

The table below shows all the fields that are available for edit.

Field Description Values
EXPRESSION Humanized expression  
THRESHOLD Numerical threshold value Between 0 to 100
ENABLED Name of the library rule 0 or 1
DESCRIPTION Description of the library rule  
FILTER_EXPRESSION Humanized expression for filter  
AGGREGATE_EXPRESSION Humanized aggregate expression  
GROUP_EXPRESSION Humanized group expression  
GROUP_LIMIT Numerical value for group limit  
AGGREGATE_METHOD Name of aggregate method 0 to 4. Here is the mapping of the number to aggregate method:0-Sum 1-Average 2-Maximum 3-Minimum and 4-Count
INDEX_CONTROL Numeric value 0 1 or 2. Mapping of number to index_control: 0-Normal 1-Unlimited and 2-Limited.
PRIORITY Numeric value between 1 and 10  
RULE_KEYWORD_ID_LIST Array of keyword IDs List of <category_id keyword_id> separated by colon. A value of 0 in keyword_id fields specify that the rule is attached to all the keywords of that category.
All the fields are optional.


DELETE /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/(int: libraryID)/businessrules/(int: ruleID)

Delete a library business rule from a library entity.

DELETE /api/repositories/jupiter/library/entities/2/businessrules/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "disassociate": ["4"]

The disassociate key, if specified, will have an array of Entity IDs to disassociate on deleting the library business rule.

When a library business rule is deleted, it may be disassociated from any Entity it is associated with. If a rule is not disassociated from the Entity, the rule is also deleted from the Entity as well as from the library.

Response Code Reason
204 Success