
An Entity can have 2 levels of notes:

Note Level Description
Entity Note is applied at the entity level
Attribute Note is applied at the attribute level

All Notes Count

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/all/count

Returns the number of entity-level and attribute-level notes for the given entity in the repository

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response contains the number of all notes for the given entity in the repository.

    "count": "3"

Entity-Level Notes Count

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/count

Returns the number of entity-level notes for the given entity in the repository

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response contains the number of entity-level notes for the given entity in the repository.

    "count": "1"

Attribute-Level Notes Count

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes/count

Returns the number of attribute-level notes for the given entity in the repository.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response contains the number of attribute-level notes for the given entity in the repository.

    "count": "2"

Show All Notes

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/all

Returns all of the entity-level and attribute-level notes for the given entity in the repository.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list of all entity-level and attribute-level notes for the corresponding Entity.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for each data row.

Human Name Column Name Description
Type __OBJECT_NAME The type of the note (note level)
Name HUMANISED_NAME The name of the note
Sequence SEQUENCE_NO The sequence number of the note for this object
Subject SUBJECT The subject of the note
Metrics __METRICS The note metrics
Class __CLASS The class of the note (e.g. Mapping)
Subclass __SUBCLASS The subclass of the note (e.g. Default_Value)
Project Impact __PROJECT_IMPACT Project impact
Business Impact __BUSINESS_IMPACT Business Impact
Text __TEXT The main text of the note
Created By CREATED_BY The user who created the note
Created Date _created_date When the note was created
Edited By EDITED_BY The user who last edited the note
Edited Date _edited_date When the note was last edited
Note key _note_key System Note key

The rows array will contain the list of all entity-level and attribute-level notes for the corresponding Entity:

  "rows": [
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15):First Nm",
      "Attr test 4",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 10:44:05",
      "attribute {} {15 8} 1"
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15):Middle Nm",
      "attr 123",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 12:26:11",
      "attribute {} {15 9} 2"
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15)",
      "15 Test",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 12:10:37",
      "entity {} 15 1"

If there are no entity-level or attribute-level notes for the Entity, then rows will be an empty string.

Show All Entity-Level Notes

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes

Returns all of the entity-level notes for the given entity in the repository.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list of all entity-level notes for the corresponding Entity.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for the data row.

The rows array will contain the list of all entity-level notes for the corresponding Entity:

  "rows": [
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15)",
      "15 Test",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 12:10:37",
      "entity {} 15 1"

If there are no entity-level notes for the Entity, then rows will be an empty string.

Show Single Entity-Level Note

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/(int: noteID)
POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/(int: noteID)

Both of the above endpoints can be used to get a specific entity-level note in the repository using either a GET or POST request. The POST request supports Standard Request.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list containing a single entity-level notes for the corresponding Entity.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for the data row.

The rows array will contain a list containing a single entity-level notes for the corresponding Entity.:

  "rows": [
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15)",
      "15 Test",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 12:10:37",
      "entity {} 15 1"

If there is no entity-level note for the Entity and a given note id (Notes sequence number), then rows will be an empty string.

Show All Attribute-Level Notes

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes

Returns all of the attribute-level notes for the given entity in the repository.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list of all attribute-level notes for the corresponding Entity.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for the data row.

The rows array will contain the list of all attribute-level notes for the corresponding Entity:

  "rows": [
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15):Middle Nm",
      "attr 123",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 12:26:11",
      "attribute {} {15 8} 1"

If there are no attribute-level notes for the Entity, then rows will be an empty string.

Show Single Attribute-Level Note

GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes/(int: noteID)
POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes/(int: noteID)

Both of the above endpoints can be used to get a specific attribute-level note in the repository using either a GET or POST request. The POST request supports Standard Request.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list containing a single attribute-level notes for the corresponding Entity.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for the data row.

The rows array will contain a list containing a single attribute-level notes for the corresponding Entity.:

  "rows": [
    "dataRow": [
      "Gb Data New (15):Middle Nm",
      "attr 123",
      "Time Series",
      "To Do List",
      "No Impact",
      "No Impact",
      "2016/11/07 12:26:11",
      "attribute {} {15 8} 1"

If there is no attribute-level note for the Entity and a given note id (Notes sequence number), then rows will be an empty string.

Add Note

POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes
POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes

Both of the above endpoints can be used to add notes to the repository, select an appropriate endpoint depending on whether you want to add an entity level or attribute level note.

POST /api/repositories/alpha/entities/1/notes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "add",
    "data": {
        "subject": "Note Subject",
        "metrics": "1",
        "class": "TS Quality",
        "subclass": "To Do List",
        "projectImpact": "no impact",
        "businessImpact": "low impact",
        "newText": "some note information"
Response Code Reason
201 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
add Add an entity level or attribute level note

The request packet must contain the command and data elements only, options are not supported. The table below shows which fields must be sent as part of data:

Field Mandatory Description
subject Yes Enter a meaningful label for the note.
metrics No Enter a numerical value that indicates the weight to assign to the note. The weight value assists when searching for and prioritizing the note.
class Yes Enter the class associated with your finding.
subclass Yes Enter the subclass associated with your finding.
projectImpact Yes Enter how this note impacts the project.
businessImpact Yes Enter how this note impacts your business.
newText No Enter any useful notes comments.

The class/subclass fields contain the following data. Please note that these values are case-sensitive.

Class Subclass Description
Time Series    
  To Do List List of items to attend to.
  Processing Details Detailed description of a Quality data process steps.
  Processing Results Results of a data quality process. You can save this information as either as a summary you have written and/or as copied data from List Views.
  Issues to Resolve Data issues and resolution requirements.
TS Quality    
  To Do List List of items to attend to.
  Processing Details Detailed description of a Quality data process steps.
  Processing Results Results of a data quality process. You can save this information as either as a summary you have written and/or as copied data from List Views.
  Issues to Resolve Data issues and resolution requirements.
  Sum Expected sum for integer/decimal attributes.
  Record Count Expected record count for an entity.
  Data Volumes Data volume of an entity in a repository.
  Mapped From Object from which an object is mapped. Mappings must be defined bi-directionally.
  Mapped To Object to which an object is mapped. Mappings must be defined bi-directionally.
  Out of Scope Object that is not considered in scope for mapping.
  Default Value Attribute that is not mapped from another attribute; in such cases, note the default value used.
  Error Processing Error processing rule that defines what to do if an error occurs.
  Complex Transformation Definition of complex data transformation rule.
  Medium Transformation Definition of medium data transformation rule.
  Simple Transformation Definition of simple data transformation rule.
  Selection Criteria Rule Definition of how rows should be selected for extraction from the source.
  Business Meaning Business significance of a key.
  Duplication Issue Data duplication issue.
  Technical Cleanse Rule Technical description of how to correct an issue.
  Business Cleanse Rule Business description of how to correct an issue.
  Outer Join Rule If an outer join is required for this join.
  Cardinality Definition of unexpected cardinality issue.
  Optionality Definition of unexpected optionality issue.
  RI Rule Definition of unexpected Referential Integrity (RI) issue.
  To Do List List of items to attend to.
  Processing Details Detailed description of a Quality data process steps.
  Processing Results Results of a data quality process. You can save this information as either as a summary you have written and/or as copied data from List Views.
  Issues to Resolve Data issues and resolution requirements.
  Business Meaning Business significance of the dependency.
  Conflict Issue Description of conflicts.
  Technical Cleanse Rule Technical description of how to correct the issue.
  Business Cleanse Rule Business description of how to correct the issue.
  Meaning Detailed description of the issue or data.
  Nulls Issue related to NULL values (blank fields) for an attribute.
  Ranges Issue related to the range of values for an attribute.
  Phonetic Issue with values that sound alike. For example, potential misspellings.
  Abnormal Values Issue related to value(s) with unexpected high or low frequency.
  Patterns Issue related to value(s) with unexpected pattern.
  Datatype Issues with unexpected data types.
  Technical Cleanse Rule Definition of the technical cleansing rules required or done for system reasons.
  Business Cleanse Rule Definition of the business cleansing rules required or done for system reasons.

The projectImpact/businessImpact fields contain the following data. Please note that these values are case-sensitive.

Value Description
no impact No Impact
low impact Low Impact
medium impact Medium Impact
high impact High Impact

Edit Note

POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/(int: noteID)
POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes/(int: noteID)

Both of the above endpoints can be used to edit an existing note in the repository, select an appropriate endpoint depending on whether you want to edit an entity level or attribute level note.

POST /api/repositories/alpha/entities/1/notes/5 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "edit",
    "data": {
        "subject": "New Note Subject",
        "metrics": "1",
        "class": "Time Series",
        "subclass": "Issues to Resolve",
        "projectImpact": "high impact",
        "businessImpact": "medium impact",
        "newText": "New Text"
Response Code Reason
204 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
edit Edit an existing entity level or attribute level note

The request packet must contain the command and data elements only, options are not supported. The following fields that can be sent as part of data:

Field Mandatory Description
subject No Enter a meaningful label for the note.
metrics No Enter a numerical value that indicates the weight to assign to the note. The weight value assists when searching for and prioritizing the note.
class No Enter the class associated with your finding.
subclass No Enter the subclass associated with your finding.
projectImpact No Enter how this note impacts the project.
businessImpact No Enter how this note impacts your business.
newText No Enter any useful notes comments.

See the Class/Subclass table for more information on setting class\subclass fields.

See the Note Impact table for more information on setting projectImpact/businessImpact fields.

Delete Notes

DELETE /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes/all
DELETE /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/notes
DELETE /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)/notes

Any of the above endpoints can be used to delete notes from the repository.

DELETE /api/repositories/alpha/entities/1/joins HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "data": {
        "noteKeys":["attribute {} {1 1} 1", "entity {} 1 1"]
Response Code Reason
204 No error
500 Server error