Setting up a Cluster for Locate
file so that the address search URL is set to use
the URL of load balancer as shown
indexsearch.singleLineSearch.wsdl= http://<>:<port>/index-search/SingleLineAddressService?wsdl
Edit the path where search index will be generated as described below,
CUSTOMER_CONFIGURATION_PATH denotes the path to customer configuration file share:
- Shut down AnalystLocate service.
- Go to directory: <CUSTOMER_CONFIGURATION_PATH>\analyst\locateconfig
- Open configuration.xml for editing
- Search for <pending-directory> element and set its value to use common
customer configuration file share as shown below:
<pending-directory> <CUSTOMER_CONFIGURATION_PATH>\analyst\lucene\indexes\Address1\pending</pending-directory>
- Search for <active-directory > element and set its value to use common
customer configuration file share as shown
<active-directory> <CUSTOMER_CONFIGURATION_PATH>\analyst\lucene\indexes\Address1\active</active-directory>
- Start AnalystLocate service.