Adding GeoJSON and KML Files

Note: This functionality is available to admins and sub-admins only.

You can not directly upload .GeoJSON or .kml file.

Spectrum Spatial Analyst does not allow you to directly upload .GeoJSON or .kml file. However, you can add .GeoJSON or .kml file to the map as a vector layer. You can then upload the data to the Spectrum Spatial repository.

To add a GeoJSON or KML file:

  1. Click or touch the Add icon on the upper right corner of the map to open the Add panel.
  2. Click or touch the Add layer icon.
  3. Choose Add files to map temporarily (csv, xls, GeoJSON, kml).
    The Add a file panel opens.
  4. Browse your computer to select your data file.
    If the selected .GeoJSON or .kml file has missing data, then an error message will appear. You can download the .csv file to see the missing data.
  5. Click on the Add button to see selected data plotted on the map and it is also added to the Map Legend panel with default file name. You can click at any point on the plotted data to see the underlying information in the left hand panel.
  6. Click or touch the Overflow icon and click Upload table to Spectrum Spatial to add the data to Spectrum Spatial repository.
    The name of the vector layer that you have added on the map is displayed and the Upload table panel opens. Next, you need to provide the table details.
  7. Choose Create new table or Replace existing table to specify whether you want to create a new table or replace an existing table on the spatial repository. Based on your selection, follow the sub-steps given in the table.
    Options Sub-steps
    Create new table

    Create a new table

    Replace existing table

    Replace an existing table