Print Preview
To preview the map before printing:
- Click or touch the right side menu to open the Options panel.
Click or touch the Print Preview button.
The Print Preview Mode appears with the print settings bar on the top. You can also pan and zoom on the map in print preview mode.Note: Pan and zoom is not available with Google base maps.Note: You may or may not see the scale print option in the Print Settings bar. It is available on the basis of settings applied by the Spectrum Spatial Analyst Administrator.
Select the template from the Template drop down list. You can select from following
default templates:
- Portrait
- Landscape
- Portrait Map Only
- Landscape Map OnlyNote: You may see more print designer templates based on settings applied by the Spectrum Spatial Analyst Administrator.
Click or tap and select the zoom level from the Zoom drop-down
list. You can zoom in/out by tapping and pinching in/out on the screen.
Note: The maximum zoom level is configurable by Administrator.
- Click or tap and select the scale to print from Scale drop-down list. The Scale drop-down displays the current scale (as it would appear if the current visible map is fitted into the print template) and also lists a number of other scales. You can also type in a specific scale of your choice. The range of available scales is chosen based on the current zoom level to ensure that the print appears at a good resolution. If the scale you want is not in range then try zooming in or out and then printing.
- Enter the title for the map in the Title text box.
Click or Touch Export to PDF to save the map as PDF document.
Note: The callout information on Left hand panel is printed on the PDF in the next page along with the map.
Click or Touch Cancel to return to the map mode.
Note: For IE11/Edge, only PNG format is supported instead of SVG format in this release. The only limitation of this approach is that style annotation legend will not be shown on IE legend panel for print. It will not impact on main page legend panel. The main page legend panel will work as it is with SVG images. This fix will only impact the print functionality legend panel in IE11/Edge.Note: The Copyright information is left aligned in print PDF and the Bing logo will be a text "bing" instead of original logo icon which you see on the actual map.