Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Winshuttle License Management System Overview

The basic functions of the Winshuttle LMS (License Management System) are described below.

Winshuttle License Management System menu overview

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Click a link below or use the left menu.

Menu item


HOME (see below)

The home page displays an overview of current licenses.


Manage and assign licenses, revoke licenses, change license assignments, and more.


Manage users and add users to the LMS (License Management Service). You can add individual users manually or import lists of users from a .CSV file or through Active Directory.


Create and view license usage reports.


Manage email notifications or send requests for additional licenses.


Activate your Winshuttle LMS installation (offline or online).

LMS home page overview

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The LMS home page provides an overview of your current licenses.