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Introducing Winshuttle DIRECT

Support for scripts without input

Sometimes BAPIs require pre- and post-BAPIs to execute completely. For example, BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE must be preceded by BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION. The problem, however, is that BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION does not require input and, therefore, cannot run in TRANSACTION.

To overcome this difficulty, Winshuttle offers the BapiRule.xml file. The file is installed automatically when you install TRANSACTION, in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86)\Winshuttle\TRANSACTION\BapiRule.xml.

Also in this section

System requirements for Studio 10.7.3

Activating and deactivating DIRECT

Getting started with Direct

Creating TRANSACTION scripts from DIRECT templates

Distilling a BAPI or remote function module

Getting updates

Data formats

SAP defaults

10.7 Update 1

New functionality

