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Introducing Winshuttle DIRECT

Distilling a BAPI or remote function module

To locate the appropriate BAPI or module

  1. On the first page of the DIRECT distiller, in the Function Module box, enter one of the following:
    • Enter the full module name to return that exact module:


    • Enter *variable* to return all function modules that include the variable text in the module name:


    • Enter * to return all function modules.
  2. Click Remote FM or BAPI. Click Go.
  3. In the Function Module list, select a module. Click OK.
  4. On the Metadata page, click Commit Required if your selected function module requires a commit to ensure that changes are saved to the database. Click OK.
  5. For HR BAPIs and some remote function modules, select Enqueue and Dequeue to ensure that personnel records are properly locked and unlocked again to capture updates.

Locating BAPIs by searching a .txr script

If your DIRECT deployment is configured to do so, you can search a specified TRANSACTION script to find fields that correspond to fields in BAPIs.

To locate a BAPI by searching a .txr

  1. On the first page of the DIRECT distiller, in the Search by box, click Transaction script.
  2. Specify a .txr.
  3. Click BAPI. Click Go.

    Each BAPI that contains fields that match fields in the script is listed. The number beside it indicates the number of matching fields.

    Exceptions: If a .txr was recorded in GUI scripting mode, and the field names do not correspond to the SAP tablename and field name, no results are returned. Fields that contain long text are not considered for search.

What BAPIs, tables, and fields should I select?

Because of the complexity of BAPIs, it is crucial that you determine which elements are mandatory and which are optional before you distil your template.


To help you decide the BAPI  and function module elements that you want, documentation is available for BAPIs and function modules, the tables and structures, and fields. To make reviewing the documentation easier, you can print or copy a documentation screen by using the Copy to clipboard and Print buttons at the bottom of the each documentation screen.

BAPI pane

The BAPI categories bar

BAPI categories bar shows a hierarchical display of the details of the selected BAPI, including tables, and structures. Fields that are not part of a table or structure are grouped as Other Fields.

Individual fields

Individual fields can be viewed in the middle pane. Included is the field name, field description, field type, field length, field decimal, and field offset.

Import and output structures

If a BAPI contains import or output structures, these are displayed in the DIRECT tree structure. When a script is distilled from DIRECT, the structures appear in the Mapper as Import and Export structures and are labeled.

Selecting fields for your template

Based on your research in the documentation, you can specify the importance of fields. Classifying the fields helps users who are creating a TRANSACTION script to choose the fields that will work best for their process.

All: Displays all fields across categories that are marked frequently used or MR80.

Mandatory fields: Set fields as mandatory if the function module documentation indicates that they are essential or if they are important to your process. Fields marked as mandatory are fixed in TRANSACTION and cannot be deselected.

Recommended: Fields that are recommended to be included in scripts.

Frequently used: Also known as 80th percentile. Indicates the fields that are most frequently used in a given process.

None: Fields that are neither mandatory nor recommended, but which are still available for selection.

Padding fields

Padding for all data types is supported and pre and post padding of spaces is also supported. For Numchar, Num, char, or string fields, padding is turned on by default. For other field types, padding can be turned on by selecting the Padding check box next to the required field. Padding is not allowed if the SAP field length is not available or if the length is zero.

Pre and post padding can be important for articles that are not defined as integers in instances when the whole length of the string must be sent to SAP.

To add fields to be used in the template

To select or clear all fields

To sort the grid in ascending or descending order on the basis of a column

To search fields

  1. On the Edit tab, click Search .
  2. To search the currently displayed structure or table, in the Find What box, type the name to search on. Click Name or Description. To indicate search direction in the grid, click Up or Down. Click Find Next.
  3. To search all fields in all structures, tables, and categories, select Search All.
    • If a table or structure is already selected and Search All Up is selected, it searches first in the current grid, and then in all tables and structures above the grid, and Search All Down is selected, it searches first in the current grid, and then in all tables and structures below the grid.
    • If no options are selected, Search All searches only the current grid.
    • If no table or structure is selected, and Search All is selected, the first occurrence of the requested field is displayed.

Changing field descriptions

You can change field descriptions to make them more readily understood by TRANSACTION users or when a BAPI or function module does not display descriptions.

To change field descriptions in DIRECT


You can reorganize categories into custom, logical groups or tables and structures. You can also add, remove, or rename categories.

Moving tables

You can move tables within a category that is defined inside a table group. Note that you cannot move tables inside a category defined in structures.

If a category does not contain tables, it does not appear on the selection pane.

To create new categories, right-click the heading, and then click Add Category. Drag tables to the new category.

To sort the grid in ascending or descending order

Returning to the Search window

To return to the Search window

Opening the file

To open a DIRECT file

Saving the file

To save a template

To save an existing template under a new name


For your convenience, you can open TRANSACTION from DIRECT to begin mapping your distilled BAPI or function module.


  1. With a DIRECT file open, on the Edit tab, click Launch TRANSACTION.

    TRANSACTION opens, and information about the DIRECT template that is being imported appears. If your DIRECT file is not saved, you cannot open TRANSACTION from DIRECT.

  2. Enter the required properties, and click OK. You can now complete the script.

Also in this section

System requirements for Studio 10.7.3

Activating and deactivating DIRECT

Getting started with Direct

Creating TRANSACTION scripts from DIRECT templates

Getting updates

Data formats

SAP defaults

Support for scripts without input

10.7 Update 1

New functionality

