Uploading data with Journal Entry for Central
When you upload data in a Central system, you can use only the templates that are provided in Central. Depending on the workflows that are enforced in your organization, after you enter data, you are probably required to submit the sheet for approval before the data is uploaded to SAP. Throughout the process, you and file reviewers receive email notification of any tasks you are required to perform. The process runs like this:
- Download a template from Central.
- Add data and submit the data file back to Central for review.
- Depending on the workflow in place, Central may prompt you to choose a reviewer.
- After the reviewer has approved the data file, you can park or post the file.
Open a template in Central
- Open Excel and click the Winshuttle for Journal Entry tab.
- Click Log in to Central. If necessary, add the URL of your Central site and type in your user name and password.
- Click Open from Central
- Select the template that is appropriate for your task. Click OK.
The template opens in read-only mode. Click Save to save a local copy.
If the author attached support documents to the template, you can view these from the Attachments button
Enter changes
- Enter the Company Code, document dates, posting dates, and any tax information.
For fields that are required by the template but are not present in your SAP system, you can enter a skip indicator ( / ).
For t-codes such as FB50, you can enter tax information on either the Basic tab or the Tax tab, and Journal Entry will balance tax amounts in the header and line items. However, fields on the Tax tab cannot be included in a loop.
Long text is handled as a loop. Journal Entry supports multiple loops that are at the same level, although it does not support nested loops.
In templates that have multiple loops at the same level, Journal Entry creates a document link for only the first posted document. (Fixed for column-based templates in Journal Entry 9.1)Important: Ensure that you add the date in the correct format that is defined in your SAP system. Journal Entry does not automatically correct date formats.
- Enter data in the item cells. In BAPI templates, debit amounts must be specified as negative amounts. For example, a debit of $50 is written as "-50".
- Save the workbook. You can park the sheet, if needed. For more information, see Park a document.
Use a List of Values (LOV)
For some fields, a list of values (LOV) may be available.
- Click LOV
If a field contains a customized list it is denoted as such in the List of Values column
Note: In version 9.1 and earlier, a custom SAP list of values appears in a standard Windows dialog box. In version 9.2, the list of values appears in an SAP LOV screen.
Clearing data
You can undo entries made in the template.
- To clear only data, click Clear. All edits are removed. If you need to restore these changes, click File, click Open, and then select the file of the same name. Your changes up to your last save are restored.
- To clear all data and all formatting, including customizations and headers, click Clear All. You can now select a new template that will be opened under the same file name, unless you select to save it under another file name.
Splitting documents
When you try to post a document that exceeds the specified document length, you are notified that the document is large. The best practice is to split the document, if splitting has been enabled by the script developer.
The way that you split a document depends on the transaction code. For step-by-step instructions, see Split documents.
Important: Journal Entry cannot split a column-based document that contains multiple loops at the same level.
If you do not split the document, the results vary, depending on the mapping:
- Cell-based: Journal Entry posts the number of rows that is specified in the script's document length setting.
- Column-based: Journal Entry runs the entire document, even though it exceeds the document length. Any rows that exceed the SAP limit will not be posted.
Validate and Simulate
- On the Journal Entry ribbon, click Validate
. Your credits and debits should balance. If not, edit the entries and validate again until the sheet balances. If you have Split enabled, your sheet can be balanced by the application.
Note: In Journal Entry 9.1, you can choose whether to show the field name, the field description, or both the name and the description in the validation message.
- After you validate and make corrections, do one of the following:
- Click Simulate
- If your data set is large, click Options, click Simulate Threads, and enter a number between 1 and 8. Then click the Simulate arrow and click Multithread Simulation to simulate the run.
The Multithread Simulation feature allows large sets of data to be split into chunks and processed at the same time.
Note: If the worksheet contains protected cells, you will receive a warning message for each simulation thread.
Simulating a run is similar to validating, except that the entire journal is uploaded to SAP, but the data is not posted. After validating and simulating, you are ready to submit the data for approval. For BAPI templates, if the data exceeds the chunk size, you are prompted to split the document.
Note: Where there are multiple templates on multiple sheets, validate and simulate must be performed on each sheet before you submit the file to Central. If all sheets are not validated and simulated, Central will not accept the workbook.
- Click Simulate
Submit a data sheet for approval
Depending on the process in your organization, before you can post a data sheet to SAP, the sheet and data must first be approved. After your file is submitted, it is added to the JE Data Files folder in Central. Any supporting documents are added to the JE Supporting Documents folder. After the file is approved and then run, the file is added to the JE Completed Data Files folder.
Submit a sheet
- Click Submit to Central
You are asked to save a local copy.
- You are prompted to attach supporting documents. Click Yes to attach documents.
- Select the document numbers for any documents you want to add attachments to.
- Specify which attached documents should be added to the Central Supporting Documents folder.
If the supporting document already exists in the Supporting Documents folder, you can remove it or add another.
- Specify which attached documents should be uploaded to SAP.
- Click OK.
When the file is submitted to Central, the file status becomes Data Review
and the My Actions button becomes available.
- Click My Actions to specify who should review the document. Only those users who are in the Data Review group in Central are listed as available reviewers.
Review a sheet
- Open the notification email message that you received.
- Click the My Task link to open the file. You can view the data and also any attached files.
- If you want to try to validate and simulate the file yourself, save the file locally, and then perform any tests on the local copy. However to approve or reject the file, you must open the copy that is in Central.
- To approve or reject the file, click My Actions
- Select Approved or Rejected, as appropriate.
- Add comments, if you want.
- Click Complete Task.
The file status changes to Ready to Run. For the file Runner, the Post and Park buttons are now available.
Note: If you have permission to both review and run the sheet, you must change roles within Journal Entry. To change roles, click the Role menu
Post or park a document
Open the data file from Central
- Start Excel, click the Winshuttle for Journal Entry tab, and click Log on to Central.
- Do one of the following:
- If there is no workflow assigned to the data file, click Open from Central, and then click the data file that you want.
- If there is a workflow assigned to the data file, click Task List, and then click the document that you want.
- Post or park the document.
Post a document
- Click Post
. The SAP Logon dialog box appears. Select your SAP system and enter your credentials, as necessary.
The Journal Entry toolbar indicates the SAP system you are logged onto.
Note: If the list of SAP systems is empty, please see the instructions below.
- When the data is successfully uploaded to SAP, the SAP document number appears as a hyperlink. Click the link to verify that your data is in SAP.
- To complete the process, click the My Actions button. Select Completed. Click Complete Task.
The status notification is removed from the file, and the file is moved to the JE Data File Completed folder in Central.
Note: If you try to validate or post and a message appears that says Excel is in Editing mode, save the sheet and then try again.
If the list of SAP systems is empty
If the list of SAP systems is empty, Journal Entry might not be able to find your saplogon.ini file at the expected location: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\SAP\Common.
To find the saplogon.ini file, do the following:
- Start your SAP Logon Pad.
- Click the button in the top left corner, and then click Options.
- Click SAP Logon Options in the menu.
- Click Configuration Files or Local Configuration Files.
The path to your saplogon.ini file is displayed.
- Move the file to C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\SAP\Common.
Or, if your organization has defined a different path for the SAPLogon.ini file in Studio v11 or Transaction, you can change the Journal Entry 9.4 options by going to C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Winshuttle\Journal Entry\AppOptions.xml and typing the path in the <SAPLogonConfigPath> parameter.
Park a document or Save as Completed
- Save your document.
- Click Park or Save as Completed.
Note: To be parked a document does not need to be validated. It must be validated before you can save it as completed.
Attaching documents
For some processes, you may need to or want to attach the current Excel workbook. In Journal Entry, you do this after the documents have been parked or posted and the links to the document are returned.
Choose the document attachment method
Click Options, click Attachment Method, and then click one of the following options:
- BDS_BAPI: Creates an attachment.
- GOS: Stores the business document in an archival table, so that main tables are not affected by large attachments.
Note: The GOS method is available only when Winshuttle Function Module is installed.
Attach documents
- When the document is validated and parked or posted, click the Attach Documents button.
- In the list of documents and their accompanying document numbers (the blue links) on the spreadsheet, click one of the links.
The View Document and Attach Workbook window appears. You can attach .png, .jpg, .jpeg, tif, tiff, .gif, .bmp, .txt, .htm, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xls, .msg, .pdf, .pptx, .rtf, .doc, and .docx files. - Select the check box next to any document that you want to attach and click Attach workbook to SAP.
You may need to sign in to SAP.
The Upload Status column displays the status of the files.
- Click the document number link to view the posted document through the SAP GUI. When finished, click Close.
For workbooks with multiple templates, the attached documents are available for each template.
Workbook and sheet switching
Parking, posting, and simulating long sheets with thousands of lines of data may take several minutes. However, you can work on other workbooks and sheets while a park, post, or simulate action is in progress for one workbook or sheet. Logs and messages are reported on the same sheet or workbook in which the action was started.