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Setting up for use

SAP defaults

Use SAP Defaults to set the defaults for interacting with the SAP system.

Logon defaults: Logon defaults describe how SAP behaves when you log on without using auto logon.

Default SAP Logon Language: Type the default language that TRANSACTION uses when logging on to SAP. The default is EN, which stands for English.

Remember last logon password: Select this check box to save the last logon values that were entered and to display those values the next time you log on to SAP during a single TRANSACTION session.

Sustained logon timeout (mins): With a sustained logon, you are not required to logon between different runs of a specified file for the time period that is defined by the timeout setting. The possible timeout range is between 1 minute and 120 minutes.

Translate messages while running in debug mode: Select this check box to display descriptive messages while you run your transaction script in Step-by-Step (troubleshooting) mode. Because SAP does not provide descriptive messages while running in Step-by-Step mode, TRANSACTION can extract this information.

Note that extracting messages requires more processing time. Clear the setting to view only the short messages, or when you are running a large number of rows of data in troubleshooting mode but require faster processing.

Execute GUI Scripting Transactions in SAP GUI session launched through Virsa FireFighter: Select this check box to enable the execution of GUI scripting transactions in an SAP GUI session that was launched through Virsa FireFighter. Clear this option if you don't want to attach to the already open SAP GUI sessions that were launched through Virsa FireFighter. See Using TRANSACTION with Virsa FireFighter in the TRANSACTION Advanced Guide for more information.

SAP logon .ini folder: Specify a shared location or a location other than C:\Windows for the .ini file. You can specify only the folder name, not the file name.

Important: If you are using SAP GUI 740, browse to the folder in File Explorer, click the file type box in the lower right corner, and then click Sap LandScape File.

Single Sign On (64-bit) configuration file: Click Search to browse to your .config file. This setting is not available for 32-bit systems.

Default mode for recording SAP transaction: Select the default mode of recording an SAP TRANSACTION.

Retrieve field type information from SAP: Displays the field type for named fields or tables in a .txr. For example, BDC_CURSOR/BDC_OKCODE do not have field types so, therefore, no field type is displayed. When Retrieve field type information from SAP is selected, field types are displayed in all recording modes—non-batch with controls, non-batch without controls, batch mode, and GUI scripting. When GUI scripting is used, field types are fetched only when the field can be translated as a non-batch or batch mode format—and when a field name exists.

When Retrieve field is selected, the user can select rows in the mapper and click Synchronize to populate the Mapper with the field types. Select Synchronize for specific selected rows or Synchronize All. You must log on to SAP for the field types to be fetched.

Allow multithreaded SAP GUI launch: When you run scripts that were recorded by GUI scripting or if GUIXT is present on your SAP system, SAP may attempt a COM object call which may cause the script to hang after a run or a script may fail to record properly. To prevent this, before you record and run your script, select Allow multithreaded SAP GUI launch. Consult Winshuttle Support before you turn on this setting.

Also in this section

Auto update

Application defaults

Error management and trace files

Auto logon

Client connection settings

Header log details

Restore defaults


Viewing the user profile

GUI scripting and Windows scripting

Enable GUI scripting

Unicode implementation for TRANSACTION scripts

Converting from Winshuttle Connect to Central