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Advanced mapping

Auto mapping

You can use auto mapping to automatically map all SAP data fields in the TRANSACTION script recording or to map selected SAP fields to Excel worksheet columns.

IMPORTANT: auto mapping is only available when Excel is selected as the data source.

Auto mapping from the three-panel screen

Use this procedure to perform Auto Mapping from the Map screen after the TRANSACTION script recording is successfully completed:

  1. On the Map screen, click Auto Mapping as shown below.
  2. On the Generate Auto Map Excel File dialog box, type the path for the Excel spreadsheet in which you want the preview to be generated, or click the folder button to select the Excel spreadsheet from the TRANSACTION script folder as shown below. Specify the sheet name.

  3. When selected, the preview is automatically mapped and the Run screen is displayed with the specified Excel spreadsheet listed as shown below.

When the TRANSACTION script recording is run, the auto mapped Excel spreadsheet is uploaded to SAP as shown below. This sample shows a run for creating the Material Master (MM02).

Auto Mapping from the Mapper

Auto Mapping for cell-based items

If your script includes cell-based items, you can use auto mapping.

To auto map a cell-based transaction

  1. In the Expert tab, specify ID columns and any loops the script requires.
  2. In the Basic tab, click AutoMap . The Auto Map wizard appears.

    Select the header items and any items that are not in loops. Specify the Excel column and row starting from B2. If the script does not contain header data, the preview will be empty. Click Next.

    If the script contains loops, specify the starting column for the loop items. The log cell and the Validation column or cell maps to the next available column or cell.


Also in this section

Editing in the Mapper

Filtering mapper settings

Advanced looping capability

Setting conditions: IF statements

Validating data

Validate by list

Compensating for missing SAP screens and fields

Undo and Undo All

Mapping long text

Attaching documents

Downloading from SAP

Editing a TRANSACTION script