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Advanced mapping

Editing a TRANSACTION script

When the Mapper is open, you can use the TRANSACTION Editor to manually enter TRANSACTION Script commands to your TRANSACTION script:

The TRANSACTION Script Editor contains the current TRANSACTION script you have open in the Mapper. You can use any of the TRANSACTION Script commands to manually edit the recording as needed. See TRANSACTION Script Command Reference for a complete description of the TRANSACTION Script Command set.

Ctrl+F or the Find Button

Use Ctrl+F, the Find button, to search for text or commands in the Editor file.

Be sure to verify that any changes are correct. See the TRANSACTION Script Command Reference to ensure that the selected commands will implement the changes you want.

Also in this section

Editing in the Mapper

Filtering mapper settings

Advanced looping capability

Setting conditions: IF statements

Validating data

Validate by list

Compensating for missing SAP screens and fields

Undo and Undo All

Mapping long text

Attaching documents

Auto mapping

Downloading from SAP