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Advanced mapping

Editing in the Mapper

Data sources: Excel, Access, and XML

TRANSACTION works with Excel worksheets, Access tables, and XML forms. For more information on using XML, see "Publishing Web Services." In TRANSACTION, you can upload data, and download data from SAP.


For Excel, Access, and XML you can drag from the source preview to the SAP preview. Note: no data source preview is available for XML.

Mapping the log column: You can specify the column, cell, or field of your output where you want the log column to appear. Drag the log column field into the preview area to set it.

Change Source Type: Sets the data source for the script. The Mapper initially displays the data using Excel as the data source. Change the source type to Access or XML.

Mapping: Indicates how individual fields are mapped. Individual fields might be uploaded to SAP, downloaded from SAP, or fixed in value throughout the run.   

 Uploads/downloads data using Excel

 Uploads/downloads data using Access

Uploads/downloads data to and from XML forms using a web service

Fixed Value Upload. These are constant values, where the same value is used in every uploaded record. If the value is the same as entered into SAP while recording the Transaction, then no changes are required. For example, Company code might be a good candidate for a fixed value, whereas the Material Number or Employee ID is likely to change for every record uploaded.   

Value: The data stored in this field is used while running the transaction. If data is coming from Excel, Access, or XML specify the appropriate column that stores the data for the concerned field. Ensure that the correct value is entered in this field.

Notes: Use the Notes column to enter useful information for each row in the TRANSACTION script as needed.

Cut, Copy, and Paste Rows: Cut or Copy and Paste the row or range of rows selected. You can click anywhere in the row, on any cell, to see the shortcut menu. You can also copy rows that are part of a loop.

Enable Rows: Allow the selected row or range of rows to be mapped to the Data Source Preview.

Disable Rows: Disable the selected row or range of rows from mapping to the Data Source Preview.

Recording Preview Fields

Sno.: Displays the Mapper row ID number.

Field Description: Displays the descriptive name of the SAP field. The description is always displayed in the language that you recorded your script in. You can change the descriptive name if needed. This field is for informational purposes only and is not sent to SAP.

Field Name: Displays the technical name of the SAP field for the recorded transaction. This field name is sent to SAP and must exactly match the SAP field name. You should not change the name of this field, unless you are certain that the changed name exists in the transaction.

For Access

Add as many columns as you need manually. Add tables as required.

Cell-based mapping and column-based mapping

With cell-based mapping, you can make absolute cell references when mapping. You can select this from the Column Mapping/Cell Mapping button. The default is column-based mapping.

When you use cell-based mapping, you can also display an exact preview of an Excel worksheet. With the Excel preview, the mapper is not limited to eight rows.

Note: TRANSACTION displays the results in the Excel worksheet you specify in the Application Defaults settings including the Log column. When converting recordings from one mode to the other, you must explicitly remap to the cell-based format. See also Auto Mapping.

Also in this section

Filtering mapper settings

Advanced looping capability

Setting conditions: IF statements

Validating data

Validate by list

Compensating for missing SAP screens and fields

Undo and Undo All

Mapping long text

Attaching documents

Auto mapping

Downloading from SAP

Editing a TRANSACTION script