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Running scripts

Advanced run settings

You can click the horizontal Advanced Run Options bar on the far right of the Run screen to display the Advanced Run Options slide-in as shown below. This slide-in allows you to enter the run-time settings for TRANSACTION advanced run features.

Auto run the TRANSACTION script when opened

Mark this check box to allow TRANSACTION to automatically run the selected TRANSACTION script upon opening. You are not required to press the Run button to execute the run. Leave this check box blank to start the TRANSACTION script run manually.

Close application after running

Mark this check box to close TRANSACTION when the run is finished. Leave this check box blank to keep TRANSACTION open when the run ends.

Extended log

Select this check box to show all of the messages encountered during the run of a transaction. These include warning messages, informational messages, and any other messages returned by SAP. Clear this check box blank to show only the last message returned by SAP.

Note: The Extended log feature is not available for recordings made in Batch Input mode or GUI Scripting mode.

When you select Extended log, you can select one of these responses:

Append TimeStamp to SAP log messages

Select this check box to append a time stamp of the run at the end of every log message returned from SAP. For all data sources, the time stamp appears in the current regional settings of the computer where the client is hosted. This option is available for all data sources, including BAPI scripts, and is available only for run and not for validate.

Skip Field Indicator

The Skip Field indicator tells TRANSACTION to ignore the update of certain fields in a record or records. Select this check box to turn on this setting. If you check this setting, you can also specify the character to use as the Skip Field indicator. (By default, "\" is the indicator.) To use the Skip Field indicator, you insert the indicator character in the Excel columns and rows or Access tables and columns that you do not want to update.

In scripts for web services, it is particularly important to use the skip field indicator because blank fields are uploaded to SAP and are not skipped.

For more information, see Compensating for missing screens and fields.

Delay between transactions (ms)

This setting delays the calls to SAP between transactions by n milliseconds. It can be used to slow the processing of the TRANSACTION script.


Select this check box to enable link scripting and then specify the next TRANSACTION script name to link multiple TRANSACTION scripts.

The Link TRANSACTION script setting is used to automatically launch and execute another TRANSACTION script in sequence when the current TRANSACTION script has finished running. You can use this setting to organize a chain of TRANSACTION scripts when a business process requires multiple transactions to run in a certain order.

Carry Settings: In addition to specifying the TRANSACTION script name, you can also mark which execution settings are to be carried forward to the next TRANSACTION script:

File: Use the same data file.

Sheet: Use the same sheet.

Start and End Row: Use the same Start and End rows. Both Start and End Row settings are carried forward together.

NOTE: If the path of the next TRANSACTION script is left blank, and only a file name is specified, the linked TRANSACTION script path defaults to the path of the current TRANSACTION script.

Approval process for linked scripts: You can send linked scripts for approval, but only one review process applies to all scripts.

If no data-review is required, you can run the data sheet for linked scripts from TRANSACTION.

Validating linked scripts: Linked scripts, both Excel and Access, can be validated. Validation on linked scripts is possible for the following configurations:

You can run linked scripts from the RUNNER add-in for Excel.

Auto Logon File

Select this check box to use an Auto Logon File (ALF) to automate your SAP logon when you run the script. Specify this setting when you plan to schedule the script to run in the future or regularly so that SAP opens automatically.

This setting is especially useful when you want to schedule a run, or if you do not want to type the logon information each time you run a TRANSACTION script. See Auto logon files for more information.

Backup SAP data

Select this check box to automatically create a backup copy of the current SAP data fields using another Excel worksheet or Access database table just before running the TRANSACTION script. This setting is useful when you want to have the ability to roll back the data.

NOTE: To use the Backup SAP Data setting, you must record the TRANSACTION script using the Non-Batch Input mode.

Run Not Posted

Mark this check box to ensure that the rows in an Excel sheet, Access table, or Google spreadsheet were not run previously. TRANSACTION checks the TRANSACTION script for log information. (TRANSACTION stores all of the messages returned by SAP in your data file). If log information is present in the TRANSACTION script, the run stops.

Excel Save and Close Options

Do Not Save: This setting is not applicable for Central. Instead, there is a Save to Central option that is set on the Central site.

Save After N runs: Excel is automatically saved after N runs (default value 50). The number can be changed in the text box next to the option.

Save at End of Run: Excel is automatically saved at the end of each run.

Close Excel After Run: Select this check box to close Excel after the run has finished.

Using macros with Transaction

For details and sample code, see the Using macros with Winshuttle PDF file.

Also in this section

Running multiple or linked files

Scheduling runs

Run options, troubleshooting errors, and Launch GUI

Writing headers

Publishing macros in an Excel workbook

Uploading long text

Uploading characters in Japanese to SAP

Windows scripting