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Running scripts

Writing Headers

If a Google spreadsheet or Excel file is not available with a script or does not work properly with the attached script, you may need to write headers to the sheet. You can write headers from the desktop client and also from the add-in for Excel. In the desktop client, the Write Headers button appears on the Run pane.

Write headers in cell-based mapping

It is possible to write headers for cell-based mapping in Excel and Google sheets.

In cell-based mapping, headers are written to the cell immediately to the left of the mapped cell. If the prospective header cell contains data, the data is not overwritten.

Also in this section

Running multiple or linked files

Scheduling runs

Run options, troubleshooting errors, and Launch GUI

Advanced run settings

Publishing macros in an Excel workbook

Uploading long text

Uploading characters in Japanese to SAP

Windows scripting