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Running scripts

Running multiple or linked files

TRANSACTION supports recording of only one SAP transaction for each script file. If you want to use multiple transactions in a business process, you can record multiple scripts and link them together. The Link Script setting automatically launches and executes TRANSACTION scripts in sequence. You can even generate data from one script to be used in another script. You might use one script to extract to data to another column in a datasheet, and then the second script processes the extracted data. Note: You cannot chain a script mapped to Google spreadsheets.

To link scripts

  1. In the Run pane, click the Advanced Run Properties slide-in.
  2. Select the Link TRANSACTION script check box to enable link scripting and then specify the script name of the second TRANSACTION script. You can click Search to find scripts as needed.
  3. To link a third script, open the second script in TRANSACTION, and then repeat steps 1 and 2.
  4. Repeat these steps until you have added all of the scripts that you want to link.

Carry Settings: In addition to specifying the TRANSACTION script name, you can also mark which execution settings are to be carried forward to the next TRANSACTION script by using any of these check boxes:

File: Use the same data file.

Sheet: Use the same sheet.

Start and End Row: Use the same Start and End rows. Both Start and End Row settings are carried forward together.

NOTE: If the path of the next TRANSACTION script is left blank, and only a file name is specified, then the linked TRANSACTION script path defaults to the path of the current TRANSACTION script.

Validating linked scripts

Linked scripts, both Excel and Access, can be validated. Validation on linked scripts is possible for the following configurations:

Also in this section

Scheduling runs

Run options, troubleshooting errors, and Launch GUI

Advanced run settings

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Publishing macros in an Excel workbook

Uploading long text

Uploading characters in Japanese to SAP

Windows scripting