Manage Attribute Tabs

Attribute tabs provide a way to organize attribute groups to make it easier to edit attribute values in a record. Attribute tabs are managed at the profile level. Changes made to a profile’s attribute tabs affect all the repositories based on that profile.

There are two ways to manage a profile’s attribute tabs:

This section of the document will discuss managing tabs through a Manage Tabs tab. There are several ways to open a profile’s Tabs tab/pane:

  • Open a repository based on the profile in a Repository Dashboard, scroll to the Manage Profile pane, and click the Tabs tab.
  • Open a repository based on the profile in a Repository Dashboard, scroll to the Tabs pane.
  • Open the profile in a Profile tab, (see Open Profiles Tab) and click the Tabs tab.

Note: Whether the tabs are displayed in a Tabs pane or Tabs tab, the steps to manage then are the same.

Repository Dashboard's Tabs Pane

Add or Edit an Attribute Tab

To add or edit an attribute tab, first open the profile’s Tabs pane or tab, (see Manage Attribute Tabs).

To add an attribute tab, click the Add button on the Tabs pane’s Activity Bar.

To edit an attribute tab, select the tab, and click the Edit button on the Tabs pane’s Activity Bar.

The Add/Edit Tab dialog will open.

Add/Edit Tab Dialog

The Add/Edit Tab dialog has two multi-language configuration options: Name and Description.

When you are finished editing the configuration options, click the Apply button on the bottom of the dialog to save the edited tab and exit the Add Tab dialog, or click the Cancel button to exit the Add Tab dialog without saving the edited tab.

Delete an Attribute Tab

To add or edit an attribute tab, first open the profile’s Tabs pane or tab, (see Manage Attribute Tabs).

Repository Dashboard's Tabs Pane

Select the tab and click the Delete button on the Tabs pane/tab’s Activity Bar.

Reorder Groups in a Tab

For directions on reordering the groups in a tab, see Reorder Attribute Tabs and Groups.