Workflow Task Manager Widget

The Workflow Task Manager Widget displays the Workflow Task Manager. It is used as a shortcut for users to access the work item tasks assigned to them. For more information on workflows and the Workflow Task Manager, see Workflow Task Manager.

Workflow Task Manager Widget

Detail of Workflow Task Manager Widget (Left Side)

Detail of Workflow Task Manager Widget (Right Side)

Configuring Workflow Task Manager Widget

To configure a Workflow Task Manager Widget, first configure a new blank Widget. For more information on adding and configuring new Widgets, see Add a Widget .

Select the Widget Settings icon in the upper right of the new Widget’s Activity Bar. Note that a Widget’s Activity Bar will not be displayed unless the cursor is hovering over the top of the Widget.

A Widget Configuration window will appear. Select Workflow Task Manager from the Type dropdown list on the far right of the Widget Configuration window. The Workflow Task Manager configuration options will appear.

Workflow Task Manager Widget Configuration

The only Workflow Task Manager configuration option is the Title.

  • Title : The title of the Widget. It is helpful if the title of a Widget reflects the source of the data as well as the Widget’s type, for instance “Workflow Task Manager”.

Click Apply to save the changes to the Widget and close the Widget Configuration window. Click Cancel to close the Widget Configuration window without saving the changes.