(USA) Geocoding Data Products Improvements

Location Accuracy Improvements

Geocoding data is for use with the following software: GeoStan Geocoding Suite, Precisely Spectrum, and MapMarker.

HERE Points:

Added 2,317,393 new address points. The HERE product includes more than 133,549,680 address points.

State Change % Change
DC 24501 11.980
DE 30668 6.433
WV 54345 5.479
KY 97266 4.989
ID 31400 4.177

TomTom Points:

Added 1,620,637 address points. The TomTom product now includes more than 137,767,980 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
WV 75101 7.229
MA 174062 4.858
TN 137506 3.888
TX 399201 3.607
NC 201451 3.533

Master Location Data (MLD):

The MLD product now includes more than 201,795,588 address points.

States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
PR 7141 0.746
IA 8758 0.425
SD 1359 0.240
WV 3026 0.209
OK 4945 0.201