What's New

This release includes new and updated datasets and bundles, H3 Hex updates, street dataset update and bug fixes.

Note: As data is enriched with the quarterly refreshes, the size of the datasets could grow thereby increasing memory requirements. Continuous housekeeping of your databases and managing/deleting unused data is highly recommended for optimal performance.

For more information, see Geo Addressing Coverage.

New Datasets and Bundles

Country Code (ISO3) Country Product Code Bundle
AZE Azerbaijan AZ4 Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Geocoding bundles. For this release it is only supported in native AZ language.
AZE Azerbaijan 4AZ Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Address Autocomplete bundles. For this release it is only supported in native AZ language.
CYP Cyprus CY4 Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Geocoding bundles
CYP Cyprus 4CY Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Address Autocomplete bundles
MLT Malta MT3 Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Geocoding bundles.
MLT Malta 3MT Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Address Autocomplete bundles.
NAM Namibia NA3 Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Geocoding bundles.
NAM Namibia 3NA Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Address Autocomplete bundles.
NGA Nigeria NG4 Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Geocoding bundles.
NGA Nigeria 4NG Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Address Autocomplete bundles.
TUN Tunisia TN3 Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Geocoding bundles.
TUN Tunisia 3TN Data Option 3 Premium WORLD and EMEA Address Autocomplete bundles.
BEL Belgium BE8 Name updated: Geocoding Geocoding Premium DATA EMEA-WE BELGIUM ALL BEL
NLD Netherlands NL8 Name updated: Geocoding Geocoding Premium DATA EMEA-WE NETHERLANDS ALL NLD

Ability to return the H3 Hex grid ID

H3 is a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. In this release we have added support of H3 Hex grid ID, which will return in custom fields with key “H3HEX”, after enabling the custom preference customPreferences: {"RETURN_H3HEX":"true"}

Below are the Request Response for the above implementation:

H3 Hex Request
  "preferences": {
    "maxResults": 1,
    "returnAllInfo": true,
    "factoryDescription": {
      "label": "",
      "featureSpecific": {}
    "clientLocale": "",
    "clientCoordSysName": "",
    "distance": {
      "value": 150,
      "distanceUnit": "METER"
    "streetOffset": {
      "value": 7,
      "distanceUnit": "METER"
    "cornerOffset": {
      "value": 7,
      "distanceUnit": "METER"
    "customPreferences": {"RETURN_H3HEX":"true"}
  "addresses": [
      "addressLines": [
        "33 WILSONS ROAD",
        "GRAVESEND NSW 2401"
      "country": "AUS",
      "addressNumber": "",
      "admin1": "",
      "admin2": "",
      "city": "",
      "borough": "",
      "neighborhood": "",
      "suburb": "",
      "postalCode": "",
      "postalCodeExt": "",
      "placeName": "",
      "building": "",
      "floor": "",
      "room": "",
      "unit": "",
      "unitType": ""
H3 Hex Response:
  "responses": [
      "status": "OK",
      "results": [
          "score": 100,
          "address": {
            "formattedAddress": "MALVERN, 33 WILSONS ROAD, GRAVESEND NSW 2401, Australia",
            "formattedStreetAddress": "33 WILSONS ROAD",
            "formattedLocationAddress": "GRAVESEND NSW 2401",
            "addressNumber": "33",
            "country": {
              "name": "Australia",
              "isoAlpha2Code": "AU",
              "isoAlpha3Code": "AUS",
              "isoNumericCode": "036"
            "admin1": {
              "longName": "New South Wales",
              "shortName": "NSW"
            "city": {
              "longName": "GRAVESEND",
              "shortName": "GRAVESEND"
            "postalCode": "2401",
            "placeName": "MALVERN",
            "street": "WILSONS"
          "addressLines": [
            "33 WILSONS ROAD",
            "GRAVESEND NSW 2401",
          "location": {
            "explanation": {
              "type": "ADDRESS_POINT"
            "feature": {
              "type": "Feature",
              "properties": {
                "crsName": "epsg:4326"
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
          "explanation": {
            "addressMatch": {
              "type": "ADDRESS",
              "description": [
                  "label": "placeName",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "addressNumber",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "admin1",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "admin2",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "city",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "neighborhood",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "suburb",
                  "matchType": "NONE"
                  "label": "street",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "postalCode",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "streetType",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "postalCodeExt",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
                  "label": "streetDirectional",
                  "matchType": "EXACT"
            "source": {
              "label": "ggs"
          "customFields": {
            "RESULT_CODE": "S8HPNTSCZG",
            "PRECISION_LEVEL": "16",
            "GNAF_RELIABILITY": "2",
            "THOROUGHFARE_TYPE": "ROAD",
            "PRODUCT_CODE": "AU7",
            "MATCH_TYPE": "ADDRESS",
            "GEOCONTAINMENT": "YES",
            "PB_KEY": "P0012QRJJT37",
            "LANGUAGE": "en",
            "GNAF_CONFIDENCE": "2",
            "GNAF_GEOCODE_LEVEL": "7",
            "GNAF_ADDRESS_CLASS": "P",
            "GEOHASH": "r6dzhn9s6hxv",
            "DATA_PROVIDER": "PSMA",
            "STREETDATATYPE": "15",
            "MAIN_ADDRESS": "WILSONS",
            "GNAF_PID": "GANSW717970889",
            "STREET_TYPE_ABB": "RD",
            "MESH_BLOCK_ID": "10337870000",
            "GNAF_PARCEL_ID": "3/751117",
            "GNAF_SA1": "11002119304",
            "H3HEX": "89bef521adbffff"
          "parsed": [
              "classifications": [
                  "label": "street",
                  "value": "WILSONS"
                  "label": "admin1",
                  "value": "NSW"
                  "label": "city",
                  "value": "GRAVESEND"
                  "label": "addressNumber",
                  "value": "33"
                  "label": "postalCode",
                  "value": "2401"
                  "label": "country",
                  "value": "AUS"
                  "label": "streetSuffix",
                  "value": "ROAD"
                  "label": "formattedInputStreet",
                  "value": "33 WILSONS ROAD"

Inclusion of Street data with Master location Data in Ala-carte

With this release we have included the streets datasets in Master Location Data in a la carte. Following are the countries which will contain Street data as well.

Brazil (BRA), Canada (CAN), Belgium (BEL), Germany (DEU), France (FRA), United Kingdom (GBR), Netherlands (NLD), Australia (AUS).