What's New

This release includes geocoder enhancements, interactive point-level datasets, dataset improvements, and bug fixes.

Note: As data is enriched with the quarterly refreshes, the size of the datasets could grow thereby increasing memory requirements. Continuous housekeeping of your databases and managing/deleting unused data is highly recommended for optimal performance.

New Datasets and Bundle Information

Country Code (ISO3) Country Product Code Language Bundle
CHE Switzerland CH3 French, Italian, German GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD and a-la-carte bundles.
CHE Switzerland CH7 French, Italian, German GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD, a-la-carte and EMEA CB1 bundles.
FRA France FR8 France EGM-WORLD-MLD-GLB, GCM-WORLD-MLD-GLB, and a-la-carte bundles.
GBR United Kingdom GB8 English EGM-WORLD-MLD-GLB, GCM-WORLD-MLD-GLB , and a-la-carte bundles.
HKG Hong Kong HK3 Latinized Chinese GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD and a-la-carte bundles.
HKG Hong Kong HK7 Traditional Chinese, latinized Chinese GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD and a-la-carte bundles.
IND India IN7 English GCM-WORLD-STREET-WBL and a-la-carte bundles.
ISR Israel IL3 English,


EGM-WORLD-MLD-GLB and a-la-carte bundles.
KAZ Kazakhstan KZ3 English,


EGM-WORLD-MLD-GLB, GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD, and a-la-carte bundles.
MEX Mexico MX3 Spanish EGM-WORLD-AP-WLD, EGM-AMERICAS-AB1, GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD, and a-la-carte bundles.
POL Poland PL3 Polish GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD and a-la-carte bundles.
POL Poland PL4 Polish GCM-WORLD-AP-WLD and a-la-carte bundles.
XWG World XW8 XWG-EGM-XW-WF-XW8 and a-la-carte bundles.

For more information, see Geo Addressing Coverage.

Alternate language support

Alternate language is available for the countries: Russia (RUS), Cyprus (CYP), Greece (GRC), Hong Kong (HKG), Israel (ISR), South Korea (KOR), Macau (MAC), Taiwan (TWN).

Main address fields such as FormattedStreetAddress, FormattedLocationAddress, State, Province, PostalCode, District Town, and Locality will be converted to the alternate language supported by the geocoder.

To enable this feature, set the custom preference RETURN_ALT_LANG_FIELDS to "true" in the Geo Addressing SDK or Spectrum Global Geocoding.
Note: Alternate language support is not available for World Geocoder.

United Kingdom(GBR): New preference update

A new custom preference "SEARCH_ON_HNR_PC" is introduced for the United Kingdom. You can set the preference to true to geocode an address by only using the house number and postal code. By default, the preference is set to false.


If the custom preference SEARCH_ON_HNR_PC=true, then the request and response for the will be as follows:

  "type": "ADDRESS",                                        
  "preferences": {
    "returnAllCandidateInfo": true,
    "fallbackToGeographic": true,
    "fallbackToPostal": true,
    "maxReturnedCandidates": 1,
    "distance": 150,
    "streetOffset": 150,
    "cornerOffset": 150,
    "matchMode": "STANDARD",
    "clientLocale": null,
    "distanceUnits": "METERS",
    "streetOffsetUnits": "METERS",
    "cornerOffsetUnits": "METERS",
    "mustMatchFields": {},
    "returnFieldsDescriptor": {},
    "preferredDictionaryOrders": [],
    "originXY": [],
    "restrictedSearch": {},
    "maxRanges": 1,
    "maxRangeUnits": 1,
  "addresses": [
      "addressLastLine": "",
      "addressNumber": "",
      "areaName1": "",
      "areaName2": "",
      "areaName3": "",
      "areaName4": "",
      "country": "GBR",
      "customFields": {},
      "mainAddressLine": "1",
      "placeName": "",
      "postCode1": "M16 7BX",
      "postCode2": "",
      "streetName": "",
      "unitType": "",
      "unitValue": ""
  "responses": [
      "totalPossibleCandidates": 1,
      "totalMatches": 1,
      "candidates": [
          "precisionLevel": 16,
          "formattedStreetAddress": "1 BEXINGTON ROAD",
          "formattedLocationAddress": "MANCHESTER M16 7BX",
          "precisionCode": "S8H-----ZA",
          "sourceDictionary": "0",
          "matching": {
            "matchOnAddressNumber": true,
            "matchOnPostCode1": true,
            "matchOnPostCode2": false,
            "matchOnAreaName1": false,
            "matchOnAreaName2": false,
            "matchOnAreaName3": false,
            "matchOnAreaName4": false,
            "matchOnAllStreetFields": false,
            "matchOnStreetName": false,
            "matchOnStreetType": false,
            "matchOnStreetDirectional": false,
            "matchOnPlaceName": false,
            "matchOnInputFields": false
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
            "crs": {
              "type": "name",
              "properties": {
                "name": "epsg:4326"
          "address": {
            "mainAddressLine": "1 BEXINGTON ROAD",
            "addressLastLine": "MANCHESTER M16 7BX",
            "placeName": "",
            "areaName1": "",
            "areaName2": "",
            "areaName3": "MANCHESTER",
            "areaName4": "",
            "postCode1": "M16 7BX",
            "postCode2": "",
            "country": "GBR",
            "addressNumber": "1",
            "streetName": "BEXINGTON",
            "unitType": "",
            "unitValue": "",
            "customFields": {
              "RPC_STATUS_FLAG": "1",
              "LANGUAGE": "en",
              "BLPU_STATE_CODE": "2",
              "RESULT_CODE": "S8H-----ZA",
              "LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE": "1",
              "THOROUGHFARE_TYPE": "ROAD",
              "GEOHASH": "gcw2hehsmxtu",
              "PRODUCT_CODE": "GB7",
              "MAIN_ADDRESS": "BEXINGTON",
              "UPRN": "77097580",
              "ADDRESS_LINE1": "1 BEXINGTON ROAD",
              "ADDRESS_LINE2": "MANCHESTER",
              "ADDRESS_LINE3": "M16 7BX",
              "MATCH_SCORE": "87"
          "ranges": [
              "lowHouse": "1",
              "highHouse": "",
              "side": "UNKNOWN",
              "oddEvenIndicator": "UNKNOWN",
              "units": [],
              "customValues": {
                "RPC_STATUS_FLAG": "1",
                "UPRN": "77097580",
                "BLPU_STATE_CODE": "2",
                "LATITUDE_BNG_Y": "395362",
                "LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE": "1",
                "LONGITUDE_BNG_X": "383047"
      "customValues": {}