(USA) Geocoding Data Products Improvements

Location Accuracy Improvements

Geocoding data is for use with the following software: GeoStan Geocoding Suite, Precisely Spectrum, and MapMarker.

HERE Points:

Added over 1,108,400 address points. The HERE product now includes more than 130,449,650 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
TN 137377 4.485
IA 40306 2.883
TX 270494 2.563
VA 73143 2.138
NM 19551 2.104

TomTom Points:

Added 1,278,574 address points. The TomTom product now includes more than 127,624,670 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
ND 21279 9.139
OK 103452 7.201
SD 20218 6.596
ID 39312 5.897
SC 119266 5.153

Master Location Data (MLD):

The MLD data product now includes more than 195,039,690 address points.

States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
OK 32821 1.387
HI 4760 0.612
ID 3333 0.319
LA 9005 0.296
ME 2771 0.278