Using USPS matching enhancements

Understanding SuiteLink 

The purpose of SuiteLink™  is to improve business addressing by adding known secondary (suite) numbers to allow delivery sequencing where it would otherwise not be possible. SuiteLink uses the input business name, street number location, and 9 digit ZIP+4 to return a unit type (i.e. "STE") and unit number for that business.

As an example, when entering the following address with SuiteLink enabled in CASS mode.

UT Animal Research910 Madison AveMemphis TN 38103

GeoStan returns the following:

UT Animal Research910 Madison Ave STE 823Memphis TN 38103

OrUT Animal Research910 Madison Ave #823Memphis TN 38103


If you have licensed the SuiteLink processing option, you must install the SuiteLink data and set the SuiteLink initialization properties for GeoStan to process your address through SuiteLink. For more information on SuiteLink, see Appendix F: USPS Link products overview.

For more information on SuiteLink enums and functions, see the following sections:

SuiteLink is required for CASS certification.

Note: Singleline address processing is not supported with SuiteLink data.

Understanding Early Warning System (EWS)

The Early Warning System (EWS) provides up-to-date address information for new and recently changed addresses that have not yet been updated in the monthly USPS data updates. EWS prevents address records from miscoding due to a delay in postal data reaching the USPS address matching files.

The older the U.S. Postal Databases, the higher potential you have for miscoding addresses. When a valid address is miscoded because the address it matches to in the U.S. Postal Database is inexact, it will result in a broken address.

EWS data consists of records containing partial address information limited to the ZIP Code, street name, predirectional, postdirectional, and a suffix. For an address record to be EWS-eligible, it must be an address not present on the most recent monthly production U.S. Postal Database.

The USPS refreshes the EWS file on a weekly basis. You can download the EWS file from the USPS Web site at

Note: In order to use the USPS-supplied EWS file, GeoStan requires that the EWS file be named ews.txt and be located in the GeoStan data search path. The date of the EWS file must be the same month or newer than your GeoStan data files.


ZIPMove is a USPS data product which is used in USPS and CASS processing. It is a data file (us.gsz) that contains ZIP+4 codes that have been realigned and a change in city name and/or finance number has occurred. Specifically, ZIPMove allows a change in finance area because CASS searching does not allow a change of finance area unless:

  • The input city occurs in more than one finance area, or

  • ZIPMove data has the old address in it.

ZIPMove requires an exact match. When a match is made to the ZIPMove data, GS_IS_ALIAS returns "A13". Below are examples of matches to ZIPMove data.

Input Address

Output Address




PARKER, CO  80134-3281






FAYETTEVILLE, AR  72704-0351



Note: The USPS provides an unspecified amount of time for people to convert their addresses to the new location via ZIPMove, and then the record is removed from ZIPMove data, assuming people have corrected their address databases. If GS_IS_ALIAS returns "A13", be sure to update your address database.

USPS Line of Travel codes

GeoStan can return the enhanced USPS Line of Travel (eLOT) codes, which are based upon the ZIP + 4 and Carrier Route of an address and signify the approximate order that the postal carrier delivers the mail.

Note: Using eLOT codes may help you qualify for greater bulk mail discounts.

To assign eLOT Codes, you must input mailable addresses that GeoStan can standardize; ZIP and ZIP + 4 Codes are not sufficient.

To access the eLOT codes, which include a sequence number and code, the following enums exist for GsDataGet on output:


4-digit eLOT number (5 including the NULL).


Single character string (2 including the NULL) indicating the direction of carrier travel.

A – Ascending

D – Descending

The Us.gsl file contains the eLOT information and GeoStan automatically initializes the file if it is in the path. See GsFileStatus for information on verifying the loaded files.

The license file controls access to the Us.gsl file. If the license file does not have eLOT enabled, you cannot return eLOT values. To upgrade your license to use the eLOT data, contact your Precisely sales representative.