Post Request Parameters

Note: Maximum number of records in a Micro-batch POST request is limited to 25.

All addresses use this format regardless of the country of the address.

Parameter Description
City The city name.
StateProvince The state or province.
PostalCode The postal code for the address in one of the following formats:




A9A 9A9

9999 999


The country in the format determined by what you selected in Data.OutputCountryFormat:

ISO Code

UPU Code





AddressLine1 The first address line.
AddressLine2 The second address line.
AddressLine3 If the address was validated, the third line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the third line of the input address without any changes.
AddressLine4 If the address was validated, the fourth line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the fourth line of the input address without any changes.
FirmName The company or firm name.
CanLanguage For Canadian addresses only, indicates whether the address is in English or French, if the option CanFrenchFormat=T is used.

If this field is blank, the address is formatted in English. If the field contains any non-blank value, the address is formatted in French. Note that addresses in Quebec are always formatted in French regardless of the value in this field.

USUrbanName The validated urbanization name. (U.S. addresses only.) This is used primarily for Puerto Rico addresses.

Specifies where to place rural route delivery information. An example of an address with rural route delivery information is:



In this address, "RR 3" is the rural route delivery information.


Place rural route delivery information on the same line as the address, after the address information. Default. For example,



Place rural route delivery information on a separate address line. For example,


RR 3


Specifies whether to use the long, medium, or short version of the city if the city has a long name. For example,




D: Use the default option specified by the OutputShortCityName parameter. Default. If you specify OutputShortCityName=V, the city is formatted as if you select for this option (see below) andY for CanOutputCityAlias.

S: Output short city name.

L: Output the long city name.

M: Output the medium city name.

I: Use the same city format as used in the input address. Output is L, M, or S.

OutputFormattedOnFail Specifies whether to return a formatted address when an address cannot be validated. The address is formatted using the preferred address format for the address's country. If this option is not selected, the output address fields are blank when the address cannot be validated.
Note: This option applies only to U.S. and Canadian addresses. Formatted data will not be returned for any other address.

N: No, do not format failed addresses (default).

Y: Yes, format failed addresses.

Formatted addresses are returned using the format specified by the OutputRecordType option. Note that if you specify OutputRecordType=E, the parsed address elements will contain the parsed, validated address for addresses that could be validated. If the address could not be validated the parsed address elements will contain the input address in parsed form. If you always want the output to contain the input address in parsed form, regardless of whether or not ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN could validate the address, specify OutputRecordType=I.

If you specify Y, you must specify "A" and/or "E" for Option.OutputRecordType.

OutputFieldLevelReturnCodes Specifies whether to include field-level result indicators. Field-level result indicators describe how each address element was handled. Field-level result indicators are returned in the qualifier "Result". For example, the field-level result indicator for HouseNumber is contained in HouseNumber.Result.

Y: No, do not output field-level return codes (default).

N: Yes, output field-level return codes.


Specifies where to place station information. An example of an address with station information is:



I: Place station information in the same location as it is in the input address. Default.

A: Place station information on the same line as the address, after the address information. For example, PO BOX 8625 STN A

S: Place station information on a separate address line. For example, PO BOX 8625STN A

DualAddressLogic For U.S. addresses only, the DualAddressLogic option controls whether ValidateAddress should return a street match or a PO Box/Rural Route/Highway Contract match when the address contains both street and PO Box/Rural Route/Highway Contract information in the same address line.
Note: This option has no effect if the street information is in a different address line input field than the PO Box/Rural Route/Highway Contract information.

N or P:

AddressLine1: PO Box 1

City: Kemp

StateProvince: TX

PostalCode: 75143-0001


AddressLine1: 401 N Main St Apt 1

City: Kemp

StateProvince: TX

PostalCode: 75143-4806

CanSSLVRFlg Changes the civic and/or suite information to match the Large Volume Receiver (LVR) or single-single record (used when there is only one record for that postal code/street name/street type).

N: Do not change the civic and/or suite information to match the LVR or single-single record. The LVR record will be marked as a valid but non-correctable record (VN). The single-single record will be corrected, if possible, or processed as a non-correctable record.

Y: Change the civic and/or suite information to match the LVR or single-single record.

Note: Note: If you check this box, the Statement of Address Accuracy will not be printed because this is not a SERP-recognized setting.
CanEnglishApartmentLabel For English addresses, specifies the default apartment label to use in the output if there is no apartment label in the input address. This setting is ignored if you specify CanStandardAddressFormat=F.

Apt: Use "Apt" as the label. Default.

Apartment: Use "Apartment" as the label.

Suite: Use "Suite" as the label.

Unit: Use "Unit" as the label.

CanOutputCityAlias Specifies whether or not to return the city alias when the alias is in the input address. This option is disabled when you specify CanOutputCityFormat=D.

Y: Output the city alias when the city alias is in the input. Default.

N: Never output the city alias even if it is in the input.

CanDualAddressLogic Specifies whether ValidateAddress should return a street match or a PO Box/non-civic match when the address contains both civic and non-civic information. One of the following:

D: Use DualAddressLogic Global Option. Default.

P: Match to PO Box or other non-street data.

S: Match to street.

For example, given the following input address:

AddressLine1: 36 GRANT RD

AddressLine2: RR 4


StateProvince: NS

ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN would return one of the following:
  • If CanDualAddressLogic is set to S, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN returns the following:

    AddressLine1: 36 GRANT RD

    AddressLine2: RR 3


    StateProvince: NS

    PostalCode: B2G 2L1

  • If CanDualAddressLogic is set to P, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN returns the following:

    AddressLine1: RR 4


    StateProvince: NS

    PostalCode: B2G 2L2

The address data that is not used to standardize the address is returned in the AdditionalInputData field

CanStandardAddressFormat Specifies where to place secondary address information in the output address. Secondary address information refers to apartment numbers, suite numbers, and similar designators.

D: Place apartment information in the location specified in the. Default.

B: Place apartment information at the at the end of the AddressLine1 field.

F: Place the apartment number only (no label) at the beginning of the AddressLine1 field. For example, 400-123 Rue Main

E: Place the apartment number and label at the beginning of the AddressLine1 field. For example, Apt 400 123 Rue Main

S: Place apartment information on a separate line.

I: Place apartment information in the same location as the input address.

CanPreferHouseNum In cases where the house number and postal code are both valid but in conflict, you can force the postal code to be corrected based on the house number by specifying Option.CanPreferHouseNum=Y. If you do not select this option the house number is changed to match the postal code.

N: Change the house number to match the postal code. Default.

Y: Change the postal code to match the house number.

OutputRecordType Type of output record. Valid values are A,E,I. For more than one value provide a list e.g. AEI


Returns 1 to 4 lines of address data plus city, state, postal code, firm name, and urbanization name information. Each address line represents an actual line of the address as it would appear on an envelope. If the address is validated, the address lines contain the standardized address. When addresses are standardized, punctuation is removed, directionals are abbreviated, street suffixes are abbreviated, and address elements are corrected. If the address is not validated, the address lines contain the address as it appeared in the input ("pass through" data). Non-validated addresses are always included as pass through data in the address line fields even if you do not specify OutputRecordType=A.


Parsed address elements. Each part of the address, such as house number, street name, street suffix, directionals, and so on is returned in a separate field.
Note: Note that if you specify "E" and specify OutputFormattedOnFail=Y, the parsed address elements will contain the input address for addresses that could not be validated.


Parsed input. This option returns the input address in parsed form regardless of whether the address is validated. Each part of the input address, such as house number, street name, street suffix, directionals, and so on is returned in a separate field. Parsed input (value "I") differs from the combination of OutputRecordType=E and OutputFormattedOnFail=Y in that "I" returns all input address in parsed form, not just input that could not be validated.


Postal data. Output addresses contain additional data for each validated address.


Do not return any address data or postal data.

CanNonCivicFormat Specifies whether or not non-civic keywords are abbreviated in the output. For example, Post Office Box vs. PO Box.


Abbreviate non-civic keywords. Default.


Do not abbreviate non-civic keywords. The full keyword is used.

CanFrenchFormat Specifies how to determine the language (English or French) to use to format the address and directional. The following example shows an address formatted in English and French:

English: 123 Main St W

French: 123 Rue Main O

The parameter controls the formatting of the address. It also affects the spelling of the directional but not spelling of the suffix.


Use the street suffix returned by the matching process to determine the language. The street suffix returned by the matching process, which is used internally by ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN during processing, may be different from that in the input address. Ambiguous records are formatted like the input. Default. All addresses in Quebec are formatted using French.


Use the Canadian database to determine the language. The Canadian database contains data from the Canada Post Corporation (CPC). All addresses in Quebec are formatted using French.


Use the CanLanguage input field to determine the language. If there is a non-blank value in this field the address are formatted using French.

CanFrenchApartmentLabel For French addresses, specifies the default apartment label to use in the output if there is no apartment label in the input address. This setting is ignored if you specify Option.CanStandardAddressFormat=F.


Use "App" as the label. Default.


Use "Appartement" as the label.


Use "Bureau" as the label


Use "Suite" as the label.


Use "Unite" as the label.

canSwitchManagedPostalCodeConfidence This field is generated only for Canadian addresses. A value of Y indicates that the record is non-correctable (VN) type. In such cases, you have the option of lowering the output Confidence score for the record. To do this, set canSwitchManagedPostalCodeConfidence = Y in the request.
OutputAddressBlocks Specifies whether to return a formatted version of the address as it would be printed on a physical mailpiece. Each line of the address is returned in a separate address block field. There can be up to nine address block output fields: AddressBlock1 through AddressBlock9.

For example, this input address:

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place

AddressLine2: Suite 600

City: Lanham

StateProvince: MD

PostalCode: 20706

Results in this address block output:

AddressBlock1: 4200 PARLIAMENT PL STE 600

AddressBlock2: LANHAM MD 20706-1882


ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN formats the address into address blocks using postal authority standards. The country name is returned using the Universal Postal Union country name. Note that the option OutputCountryFormat does not affect the country name in the address block, it only affects the name returned in the Country output field.

For addresses outside the U.S. and Canada, if ValidateAddress is unable to validate the address, no address blocks are returned. For addresses in the U.S. and Canada, address blocks are returned even if validation fails.


No, do not return address blocks.


Yes, return address blocks. Default.

OutputCasing Specifies the casing of the output data. It can be:


The output in mixed case (default). For example:

123 Main St

Mytown FL 12345


The output in upper case. For example:




Specifies whether to use separators (spaces or hyphens) in ZIP™ Codes or Canadian postal codes.

For example, a ZIP + 4® Code with the separator would be 20706-1844 and without the separator it would be 207061844. A Canadian postal code with the separator would be P5E"1S7 and without the separator it would be P5E1S7.


Yes, use separator (default).


No, do not use separator.


Specifies whether or not to return multinational characters, including diacritical marks such as umlauts or accents. (Not supported for U.S. addresses).


No, do not use multinational characters in the output (default). Only standard ASCII characters is returned.


Yes, use multinational characters in the output.


Indicates whether or not to return multiple address for those input addresses that have more than one possible match.


Yes, return multiple matches .


No, do not return multiple matches (default).


Specifies where to place secondary address information for U.S. addresses. Secondary address information refers to apartment numbers, suite numbers, and similar designators. For example, in this address the secondary address information is "Apt 10E" and the primary address information is "424 Washington Blvd".

Apt 10E

424 Washington Blvd

Springfield MI 49423


Place both primary and secondary address information in AddressLine1 (default).


Place the primary address information in AddressLine1 and the secondary address information in AddressLine2.


Place both primary and secondary address information in AddressLine1 and place dropped information from dual addresses in AddressLine2. A dual address is an address that contains both street information and PO Box/Rural Route/Highway Contract information.


Specifies how to format city names that have short city name or non-mailing city name alternatives. Applies to U.S. and Canadian addresses.


Returns the USPS®-approved abbreviation for the city, if there is one. The USPS® provides abbreviations for city names that are 14 characters long or longer. City abbreviations are 13 characters or less and can be used when there is limited space on the mailing label. If there is no short city name for the city, then the full city name is returned.


Returns the long city name (default).


Returns the abbreviated city name only if an abbreviated city name is used in the input address. If the input address does not use a short city name, either the long or short city name could be returned, depending on USPS® regulations for the particular city. Select this option if you are performing a CASS™ test.


Output the non-mailing city name (the vanity name) if the input city name is a non-mailing city name. For example, "Hollywood" is a non-mailing city name for "Los Angeles". If you do not select this option and the input city name is a non-mailing city name the long version of the mailing city is returned.


Specifies the format to use for the country name returned in the Country output field. For example, if you select English, the country name "Deutschland" would be returned as "Germany".


Use English country names (default).


Use Spanish country names.


Use French country names.


Use German country names.


Use two-letter ISO abbreviation for the countries instead of country names.


Use Universal Postal Union abbreviation for the countries instead of country names.


A number between 1 and 10 that indicates the maximum number of addresses to return.

The default value is 10.

OutputStreetNameAlias For U.S. addresses only, specifies how to handle street name aliases used in the input. A street alias is an alternate name for a street and typically applies only to a specific range of addresses on the street.
If you enable this option, street name aliases used in the input will appear in the output. If you do not enable this option, street name aliases in the input will be converted to the base street name in the output, with the following exceptions:
  • If a preferred alias is used in input the preferred alias will always be used in output.
  • Changed aliases used in input are always converted to the base street name in output.

This is one of three options that control how ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN handles street name aliases. The other two are OutputPreferredAlias and OutputAbbreviatedAlias.

Note: If OutputAbbreviatedAlias is enabled, the abbreviated alias will always appear in the output even if you have disabled.


No, do not return street name aliases in the output.


Yes, return street name aliases in the output if the input street name is an alias (default).


Specifies whether to process U.S. addresses. If you enable U.S. address processing ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN will attempt to validate U.S. addresses. If you disable U.S. address processing, U.S. addresses will fail, meaning they are returned with an "F" in the Status output field. The output field Status.Code will say "DisabledCoder." If you are not licensed for U.S. address processing you must disable U.S. address processing in order for your jobs to complete successfully, regardless of whether or not they contain U.S. addresses.

Note: You must have a valid license for U.S. address processing to successfully process U.S. addresses. If you enable U.S. address processing but are not licensed for this feature, or your license has expired, you will receive an error.
No, do not process U.S. addresses.
Yes, process U.S. addresses. Default.

Delivery Point Validation (DPV®) validates that a specific address exists, as opposed to validating that a specific address is within a range of valid addresses. CMRA processing checks if an address is for a mailbox rented from a private company, referred to as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agent (CMRA).

To perform DPV and CMRA processing, you must have the DPV database installed. The DPV database contains both DPV and CMRA data.

No, do not perform Delivery Point Validation or CMRA processing. Default.
Yes, perform Delivery Point Validation and CMRA processing.

For a listing of the output fields returned by this option, see DPV and CMRA Output.


The Early Warning System (EWS) uses the USPS® EWS File to validate addresses that are not in the ZIP + 4® database.

To perform EWS processing, you must have the EWS database installed.

If an input address matches an address in the EWS file, the following record-level result indicators are returned:



Status.Description="Address found in EWS table"

No, do not perform EWS processing. Default.
Yes, perform EWS processing.

Specifies whether to extract the firm name from AddressLine1 through AddressLine4 and place it in the FirmName output field. This option works in cases where the input record's FirmName field is blank and there is more than one address line.


Yes, extract the firm name.


No, do not extract the firm name. Default.

To identify firm names in address lines, the address lines are scanned for keywords and patterns that identify which fields are address lines and which are FirmName lines. Since this is done based on patterns, fields may be misidentified. The following tips can help ensure optimal firm extraction:

If possible, place the primary address elements in AddressLine1, the secondary elements in AddressLine2, Urbanization in AddressLine3, and firm in AddressLine4. If the address has no urbanization code, then place the firm name in AddressLine3 and leave AddressLine4 blank. For example,

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place

AddressLine2: Suite 600

AddressLine3: Precisely

AddressLine4: <blank>

When you define just two address lines, AddressLine2 is assigned to the secondary address most of the time. If you want to increase the chance that AddressLine2 will be treated as a firm name, put the firm name in AddressLine3 and leave AddressLine2 blank.

Numbers in a firm name (such as the "1" in "1 Stop Software") will increase the likelihood that the field will be treated as an address line.

Here are some examples of firm name extraction:

In this example, AddressLine2 would get extracted into the FirmName output field

FirmName: <blank>

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place Suite 600

AddressLine2: International Goose Feathers inc.

In this example, AddressLine3 would get extracted into the FirmName output field.

FirmName: <blank>

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place

AddressLine2: Suite 600

AddressLine3: Precisely

In this example, AddressLine3 would be placed in the AdditionalInputData output field. The firm name would not be extracted because the FirmName input field is not blank.

FirmName: International Goose Feathers Inc.

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place

AddressLine2: Suite 600

AddressLine3: Precisely

In this example, no firm name would be extracted because there is only one non-blank address line, which is always treated as the primary address element.

FirmName: <blank>

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place Suite 600

In this example, AddressLine2 would be treated as a secondary address element because the numeral "1" causes that field to be treated as a secondary address element.

FirmName: <blank>

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place Suite 600

AddressLine2: 1 Stop Software


Specifies whether to extract the urbanization name from AddressLine1 through AddressLine4 and place it in the USUrbanName output field. This option works in cases where the input record's USUrbanName field is blank and there is more than one address line.


Yes, extract the urbanization name.


No, do not extract the urbanization name. Default.

To identify urbanization names, the address lines are scanned for keywords and patterns that identify which fields are address lines and which are urbanization name lines. Since this is done based on patterns, it is possible for fields to be incorrectly identified. To help ensure optimal urbanization extraction, place the primary address elements in AddressLine1, the secondary elements in AddressLine2, Urbanization in AddressLine3, and firm in AddressLine4, if possible. For example,

AddressLine1: A1 Calle A


AddressLine3: URB Alamar

AddressLine4: Precisely


Specifies whether to perform SuiteLink™ processing.

SuiteLink corrects secondary address information for U.S. business addresses whose secondary address information could not be validated. If SuiteLink processing is enabled, the firm name is matched to a database of known firm names and their secondary address information.

For example,

Firm Name: Precisely

Address Line 1: 4200 Parliament Place

Address Line 2: STE 1

Postal Code: 20706

In this case, SuiteLink processing would change the suite number to the correct suite number:

Firm Name: Precisely

Address Line 1: 4200 Parliament Place

Address Line 2: STE 600

Postal Code: 20706-1844

To perform SuiteLink™ processing, you must have the SuiteLink™ database installed.

This option takes one of the following values:


No, do not use SuiteLink™. Default.


Yes, use SuiteLink™ processing.


Specifies whether to use a street's preferred alias in the output.

Street name aliases in the United States are alternative names given to sections of a street. There are four types of street name aliases:

Preferred—A preferred alias is the street name preferred locally. It typically applies only to a specific range of addresses on the street.

Abbreviated—An abbreviated alias is a variation of the street name that can be used in cases where the length of AddressLine1 is longer than 31 characters. For example, the street name 1234 BERKSHIRE VALLEY RD APT 312A could be abbreviated to 1234 BERKSHIRE VLLY RD APT 312A.

Changed—There has been an official street name change and the alias reflects the new name. For example if SHINGLE BROOK RD is changed to CANNING DR, then CANNING DR would be a changed alias type.

Other—The street alias is made up of other names for the street or common abbreviations of the street.

The non-alias version of the street name is called the base street name.

If the preferred alias is used in the input then the preferred alias will be the street name in the output regardless of whether you enable this option.

This is one of three options that control how ValidateAddress handles street name aliases. The other two are OutputStreetNameAlias and OutputAbbreviatedAlias.

In most cases, if you select both OutputPreferredAlias and OutputAbbreviatedAlias, and ValidateAddress finds both a preferred and an abbreviated alias in the postal database, the abbreviated alias will be used in the output. The exception to this rule is if the input street name is a preferred alias. In this case, the preferred alias will be used in the output.


Yes, perform preferred alias processing.


No, do not perform preferred alias processing. Default.
Note: If the input address contains a street name alias of type "changed" the output address will always contain the base street name regardless of the options you specify.

Specifies whether to use a street's abbreviated alias in the output if the output address line is longer than 31 characters.

This is one of three options that control how ValidateAddress handles street name aliases. The other two are OutputStreetNameAlias and OutputPreferredAlias.
Note: If a preferred alias is specified in the input, the output street name will always be the preferred alias, even if you enable abbreviated street name alias processing.


Yes, perform abbreviated alias processing.


No, do not perform abbreviated alias processing. Default.

DPVDetermineNoStat Determines the "no stat" status of an address. An address is considered "no stat" if it exists but cannot receive mail, and therefore is not counted as a delivery statistic on a carrier's route (hence the term "no stat"). Examples include buildings under construction or those that the letter carrier has identified as not likely to receive mail.


No, do not determine "no stat" status. Default.


Yes, determine "no stat" status.
Note: You must enable DPV processing to use this option.

Determines if the location has been unoccupied for at least 90 days.


No, do not determine vacancy. Default.


Yes, determine vacancy.
Note: You must enable DPV processing to use this option.

Specifies whether to supress addresses with Carrier Route R777. These addresses are phantom routes and are not eligible for street delivery. Since these addresses are assigned a ZIP + 4® code by the USPS®, Validate Address marks these addresses as deliverable. Select this option if you do not want addresses with Carrier Route R777 marked as deliverable. This will cause the following actions:

No ZIP + 4 code is assigned

Address is not counted on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report)

DPV Footnote of R7 is returned


No, do not suppress addresses with Carrier Route R777 (Default).


Yes, suppress addresses with Carrier Route R777.


Specifies the algorithm to use when determining if an input address matches an address in the postal database. One of the following:


The input street name must match the database exactly.


The matching algorithm is "tight."


The matching algorithm is "medium" (default).


The matching algorithm is "loose."


Specifies the algorithm to use when determining if an input address matches an address in the postal database. One of the following:


The input firm name must match the database exactly.


The matching algorithm is "tight."


The matching algorithm is "medium" (default).


The matching algorithm is "loose."


Specifies the algorithm to use when determining if an input address matches an address in the postal database. One of the following:


The input directionals, such as the "N" in 123 N Main St., must match the database exactly.


The matching algorithm is "tight."


The matching algorithm is "medium". Default.


The matching algorithm is "loose."


Select the match condition where a DPV result does NOT cause a record to fail.


Full match


Partial match


Always. Default.


Treat Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) matches as failures?


No, do not treat CMRA matches as failures. Default.


Yes, treat CMRA matches as failures.
Note: You must enable DPV processing to use this option.

Specifies where Private Mailbox (PMB) information is placed.


Do not include the PMB information in Standard Address output (default).


Place the PMB information in AddressLine1. If you specify 1, you must set StandardAddressFormat to either C or D.


Place the PMB information in AddressLine2.

OutputPreferredCity Specifies whether the preferred last line city name should be returned.

Z (ZIP+4 Last Line)

Returns the Preferred Last Line City Name from the USPS ZIP+4 File (Override City Name).

C (USPS City/State)

Returns the USPS-preferred City Name from USPS City/State File.

P (Primary)

Returns the Primary City Name from the USPS City/State File.

Address Line Processing for U.S. Addresses

The input fields AddressLine1 through AddressLine4 are handled differently for U.S. addresses depending on whether the firm name extraction or urbanization code extraction options are enabled. If either of these options is enabled, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN looks at the data in all four fields to validate the address and extracts the requested data (firm name and/or urbanization code). If neither of these options is enabled, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN uses only the first two non-blank address line fields in its validation attempt. The data in the other address line fields is returned in the output field AdditionalInputData. For example,

AddressLine1: A1 Calle A


AddressLine3: URB Alamar

AddressLine4: Precisely

In this address, if either firm name extraction or urbanization code extraction are enabled, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN examines all four address lines. If neither firm name extraction nor urbanization code extraction are enabled, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN examines AddressLine1 and AddressLine3 (the first two non-blank address lines) and attempt to validate the address using that data; the data in AddressLine4 returns in the output field AdditionalInputData.

Returning Multiple Matches

MaximumResults and OutputFieldLevelReturnCodes are used to return multiple matches. If the API finds multiple address in the postal database that are possible matches for the input address, you can have it return the possible matches. For example, the following address matches multiple addresses in the U.S. postal database:


New York, NY


When you choose to return multiple matches, the addresses are returned in the address format you specify. To identify which records are the candidate addresses, look for multiple "M" values in the field-level result indicators.