Response Description
Parameter | Description |
Indicates whether or not the address is a candidate for LACSLink conversion (U.S. addresses only). One of the following: Y Yes, the address is a candidate for LACSLink processing. If LACSLink is enabled, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN will attempt to convert the address using the LACSLink database. If the conversion attempt is successful, the output address is the new address obtained from the LACSLink database. If the attempt is not successful, the address will not be converted. N No, the address is not a candidate for LACSLink processing. LACSLink processing may still be attempted if LACSLink processing is requested, the LACSLink database is installed, and one of the following is true: The address matches to a Rural Route address and the RecordType.Default field returns a Y. The input address could not be matched to any address in the U.S. Postal Database (Failures due to multiple matches are not LACSLink candidates.) |
USLACS.ReturnCode |
Indicates the success or failure of LACSLink processing. (U.S. addresses only.) A LACSLink processing successful. Record matched through LACSLink processing. 00 LACSLink processing failed. No matching record found during LACSLink processing. 09 LACSLink processing matched the input address to an older highrise default address. The address has been converted. Rather than provide an imprecise address, LACSLink processing does not provide a new address. 14 LACSLink processing failed. Match found during LACSLink processing but conversion did not occur due to other USPS® regulations. 92 LACSLink processing successful. Record matched through LACSLink processing. Unit number dropped on input. null LACSLink did not process the record, or LACSLink processing was not attempted. |
Return values indicating address type. B The address is a business address. R The address is a residential address. M The address is both a residential and a business address. null Not checked because the address did not code at a ZIP + 4® level, or RDI™ was not performed. |
DefaultValidPostalCode | This field is generated only for Canadian addresses. A value of Y indicates that the record is non-correctable (VN) type. In such cases, you have the option of lowering the output Confidence score for the record. |
Indicates the results of Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing. Y DPV confirmed. Mail can be delivered to the address. N Mail cannot be delivered to the address. S The building number was validated but the unit number could not be confirmed. A building number is the primary address number for a building. A unit number is a number of a distinct mailing address within a building such as an apartment, suite, floor, and so on. For example, in this address 424 is the building number and 12 is the unit number: 424 Washington Blvd. Apt. 12 Oak Park IL 60302 USA D The building number was validated but the unit number was missing from input. A building number is the primary address number for a building. A unit number is a number of a distinct mailing address within a building such as an apartment, suite, floor, and so on. For example, in this address 424 is the building number and 12 is the unit number: 424 Washington Blvd. Apt. 12 Oak Park IL 60302 USA M The address matches multiple valid delivery points. U The address could not be confirmed because the address did not code at the ZIP + 4® level. V The address caused a false-positive violation. |
Indicates if the address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) Y Yes, the address is a CMRA. N No, the address is not a CMRA. U Unconfirmed. |
DPVFootnote |
DPV footnote codes. AA Input address matched to the ZIP + 4® file. A1 Input address not matched to the ZIP + 4® file. BB Input address matched to DPV (all components). CC Input address primary number matched to DPV but secondary number not match (present but not valid). F1 Input address is military; DPV bypassed. G1 Input address is general delivery; DPV bypassed. M1 Input address primary number missing. M3 Input address primary number invalid. N1 Input address primary number matched to DPV but high rise address missing secondary number. P1 Input address missing RR or HC Box number. P3 Input address missing PO, RR, or HC Box number RR Input address matched to CMRA. R1 Input address matched to CMRA but secondary number not present. U1 Input address is unique ZIP; DPV bypassed. |
DPVVacant |
Indicates whether the building is vacant (unoccupied for 90 days). One of the following: Y Yes, the building is vacant. N No, the building is not vacant. null The |
DPVNoStat |
Indicates whether the building is a "no stat" building and therefore unable to receive mail. One of the following: Y Yes, the building is a "no stat" building, which means the building is not receiving mail. N No, the building is not a "no stat" building, which means the building does receive mail. null The option was not turned on. |
Status | Reports the success or failure of the match attempt. Null: Success F: Failure |
Status.Code | Reason for failure, if there is one.
Status.Description | Description of the problem, if there is one.
PostalCode.AddOn | The 4-digit add-on part of the ZIP Code™. For example, in the ZIP Code™ 60655-1844, 1844 is the 4-digit add-on. (U.S. addresses only.) |
PostalCode.Base | The 5-digit ZIP Code™; for example 20706 (U.S. addresses only). |
USUrbanName | The validated urbanization name. (U.S. addresses only.) This is used primarily for Puerto Rico addresses. |
AdditionalInputData | Input data not used by ValidateAddress. |
ApartmentLabel | Apartment designator (such as STE or APT), for example: 123 E Main St APT 3 |
ApartmentNumber | Apartment number. For example: 123 E Main St APT 3 |
ApartmentLabel.Input | Apartment designator (such as STE or APT), for example: 123 E Main St APT 3 |
ApartmentNumber.Input | Apartment number, for example: 123 E Main St APT 3 |
Country.Input |
Country. Format is determined by what you selected in Data.OutputCountryFormat: ISO Code UPU Code English French German Spanish |
FirmName.Input | The validated firm or company name |
HouseNumber.Input | House number, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
LeadingDirectional.Input | Leading directional, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
POBox.Input | Post office box number. If the address is a rural route address, the rural route box number will appear here. |
PostalCode.Input | Validated postal code. For U.S. addresses, this is the ZIP Code. |
PrivateMailbox.Input | Private mailbox indicator |
PrivateMailbox.Type.Input |
The type of private mailbox. Possible values include: Standard Non-Standard |
RRHC.Input | Rural Route/Highway Contract indicator |
StateProvince.Input | Validated state or province name |
StreetName.Input | Street name, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
StreetSuffix.Input | Street suffix, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
TrailingDirectional.Input | Trailing directional, for example: 123 Pennsylvania Ave NW |
USUrbanName.Input | USPS urbanization name |
Confidence | The level of confidence assigned to the address being returned. Range is from zero (0) to 100; zero indicates failure, 100 indicates a very high level of confidence that the match results are correct. For multiple matches, the confidence level is 0. |
RecordType | Type of address record, as defined by U.S. and Canadian postal authorities (supported for U.S. and Canadian addresses only):
RecordType.Default | Code indicating the "default" match: Y The address matches a default record. null The address does not match a default record. |
MultipleMatches | Indicates which address component had multiple matches, if multiple matches were found:
CouldNotValidate | If no match was found, which address component could not be validated:
Note: More than one component may be returned, in a comma-separated list. |
CountryLevel | The category of address matching available. This is always "A" for U.S. and Canadian addresses. One of the following: A The address is in a country for which there is highly detailed postal data available. Addresses in this match level can have the following address elements validated and corrected, and added if missing from the input:
B The address is in a country for which there is a medium level of postal data available. Addresses in this match level can have the following address elements validated and corrected, and added if missing from the input:
AddressFormat | The type of address data being returned: F French format (for example: 123 Rue Main) E English format (for example: 123 Main St) |
MatchScore | MatchScore provides an indication of the degree to which the output address is correct. It is significantly different from Confidence in that Confidence is indicates how much the input address changed to obtain a match, whereas the meaning of Match Score varies between U.S. and non-U.S. addresses. For U.S. addresses, MatchScore is a one-digit score on a scale of 0 to 9 that reflects the closeness of the street-name match (after transformations by ValidateAddress, if any). Zero indicates an exact match and 9 indicates the least likely match. If no match was found, this field is blank. For non-U.S. and non-Canadian addresses, MatchScore is a five-digit score, with a maximum value of 00999. Higher numbers indicates a closer match. This field does not apply to Canadian addresses. Note that you cannot equate match scores from U.S. addresses with those of non-U.S. addresses. For example, a match score of 4 for a U.S address does not indicate the same level of match as a 00004 for a non-U.S. address. Note: The Validate Address and Advanced Matching Module components both use the MatchScore field. The MatchScore field value in the output of a dataflow is determined by the last stage to modify the value before it is sent to an output stage. If you have a dataflow that contains Validate Address and Advanced Matching Module components and you want to see the MatchScore field output for each stage, use a Transformer stage to copy the MatchScore value to another field. For example, Validate Address produces an output field called MatchScore and then a Transformer stage copies the MatchScore field from Validate Address to a field called AddressMatchScore. When the matcher stage runs it populates the MatchScore field with the value from the matcher and passes through the AddressMatchScore value from Validate Address. |
AddressLine1 | If the address was validated, the first line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the first line of the input address without any changes. |
AddressLine2 | If the address was validated, the second line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the second line of the input address without any changes. |
AddressLine3 | If the address was validated, the third line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the third line of the input address without any changes. |
AddressLine4 | If the address was validated, the fourth line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the fourth line of the input address without any changes. |
City | The validated city name. |
StateProvince | The validated state or province abbreviation. |
PostalCode | The validated ZIP Code or postal code. |
Country | The country in the format determined by what you selected in Data.OutputCountryFormat:
FirmName | The validated firm or company name. |
HouseNumber | House number, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
LeadingDirectional | Leading directional, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
StreetName | Street name, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
StreetSuffix | Street suffix, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3 |
TrailingDirectional | Trailing directional, for example: 123 Pennsylvania Ave NW |
RRHC | Rural Route/Highway Contract indicator |
POBox | Post office box number. If the address is a rural route address, the rural route box number will appear here. |
PrivateMailbox | Private mailbox indicator. |
PrivateMailbox.Type | The type of private mailbox. Possible values include:
Note: This replaces PrivateMailboxType (no period in field name). Please modify your API calls accordingly. |
USBCCheckDigit | Check-digit portion of the 11-digit delivery point barcode. |
PostalBarCode | The delivery point portion of the delivery point barcode. |
USCarrierRouteCode | Carrier route code |
USFIPSCountyNumber | FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) county number (U.S. addresses only). Note: Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) county numbers are numbers that identify each county in a state. Note that these numbers are only unique at the state level, not the national level. For more information, see |
USCountyName | County name (U.S. addresses only). |
USCongressionalDistrict | Congressional district (U.S. addresses only). |
USAltAddr | Indicates whether or not alternate address matching logic was used, and if so which logic was used (U.S. addresses only). One of the following: null No alternate address scheme used. D Delivery point alternate logic was used. E Enhanced highrise alternate match logic was used. S Small town default logic was used. U Unique ZIP Code logic was used. |
USLastLineNumber | A six-character alphanumeric value that groups together ZIP Codes that share the same primary city. For example, addresses with the following two last lines would have the same last line number: Chantilly VA 20151 Chantilly VA 20152 |
USFinanceNumber | The finance number in which the address resides (U.S. addresses only). The finance number is a number assigned by the USPS to an area that covers multiple ZIP Codes. An address is validated only if its finance number matches the finance number of the candidate address in the U.S. Database. |
City.Input | Validated city name |
HouseNumber.Result |
Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. O Out of range. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
LeadingDirectional.Result |
Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. Non-blank input was corrected to a non-blank value. U.S. addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. Does not apply to Canadian addresses. |
Street.Result | These result codes apply to international addresses only.M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. R Street corrected. House number is out of range. Applies to French, UK, and Japanese records only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
StreetName.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About AdditionalInputData. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Does not apply to U.S. addresses. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
SuiteLinkReturnCode |
Indicates whether or not ValidateAddress corrected the secondary address information (U.S. addresses only). One of the following: A ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN corrected the secondary address information. 00 ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN did not correct the secondary address information. null SuiteLink was not performed. XX SuiteLink processing encountered an error. For example, an error would occur if the SuiteLink database is expired. |
SuiteLinkMatchCode |
Provides additional information on the SuiteLink match attempt. (U.S. addresses only) A ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN corrected the secondary address information. B ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN did not correct the secondary address information. No additional detail about the match attempt is available. C The words in the FirmName field are all "noise" words. Noise words are defined by the USPS® and are ignored when attempting to mach the firm name. Examples of noise words are "company" and "corporation". ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN is not able to correct secondary address information for firm names that consist entirely of noise words. For example "Company and Corporation" is all noise words. D The address is not a high-rise default address. SuiteLink matching is only done for high-rise default addresses. A high-rise default is a default to use when the address does not contain valid secondary information (the apartment number or apartment type is missing). E SuiteLink processing failed because the SuiteLink database is expired. null SuiteLink was not performed or there was an error. |
SuiteLinkFidelity |
Indicates how well ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN matched the firm name to the firm names in the SuiteLink database. 1 The firm name matches the SuiteLink database exactly. 2 Good match. All words in the firm name except one matched the firm name in the SuiteLink database. 3 Poor match. More than one word in the firm name did not match the firm name in the SuiteLink database. null SuiteLink could not match the firm name, or was not performed, or there was an error. |
StreetName.Alias.Type |
This result code applies to U.S. addresses only.
Note: In previous releases this field was named StreetName.AliasType with no "." between "Alias" and "Type." This old name is obsolete. Please update your processes to use the new name StreetName.Alias.Type. Abbreviated The alias is an abbreviation of the street name. For example, HARTS-NM RD is an abbreviated alias for HARTSVILLE NEW MARLBORO RD. Changed There has been an official street name change and the alias reflects the new name. For example if SHINGLE BROOK RD is changed to CANNING DR, then CANNING DR would be a changed alias type. Other The street alias is made up of other names for the street or common abbreviations of the street. Preferred The street alias is the locally preferred alias. For example, a street is named "South Shore Dr." because it runs along the southern shore of a lake, not because it is south of a municipal demarcation line. So, "South" is not a predirectional in this case and should not be shorted to "S". So, "South Shore Dr." would be the preferred alias |
StreetSuffix.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About AdditionalInputData. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. Does not apply to U.S. addresses. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
TrailingDirectional.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About AdditionalInputData. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
ApartmentLabel.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About AdditionalInputData. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. R The apartment label is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
ApartmentNumber.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. addresses that are an EWS match will have a value of P. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. R The apartment number is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
RRHC.Result |
C Corrected. Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About AdditionalInputData. M Multiple matches. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only. R The rural route/highway contract is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. U Unmatched. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. |
RRHC.Type |
These result codes apply to U.S. addresses only. HC The address is a Highway Contract address. RR The address is a Rural Route address. |
POBox.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. Canadian addresses only. D Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About AdditionalInputData. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple matches. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only. R The P.O. Box number is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
City.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. F Hyphens missing or punctuation errors. Canadian addresses only. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. R The city is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses. U Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
StateProvince.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. addresses only. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. R The state is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses. U Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
PostalCode.Result |
A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. C Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. F Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. Does not apply to Canadian addresses. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Does not apply to U.S. addresses. R The postal code is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. U Unmatched. For example, if the street name does not match the postal code, both StreetName.Result and PostalCode.Result will contain U. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
PostalCodeCity.Result |
These result codes apply to international addresses only. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
AddressRecord.Result |
These result codes apply to international addresses only. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
PostalCode.Source |
These result codes apply to U.S. addresses only. FinanceNumber The ZIP Code in the input was verified by using USPS® Finance Number groupings. ZIPMOVE The ZIP Code in the input address was corrected because the USPS® redrew ZIP Code boundaries and the address is now in a different ZIP Code™. |
PostalCode.Type |
P The ZIP Code™ contains only PO Box addresses. U.S. addresses only. U The ZIP Code™ is a unique ZIP Code™ assigned to a specific company or location. U.S. addresses only. M The ZIP Code™ is for military addresses. U.S. addresses only. null The ZIP Code™ is a standard ZIP Code™. |
Country.Result |
These result codes do not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. S Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
FirmName.Result |
C Corrected. U.S. addresses only. P Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. U Unmatched. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. U.S. addresses only. |
StreetNamePreferredAlias.Result |
Indicates the result of preferred alias processing. null No preferred alias processing attempted. A Preferred alias processing was not attempted because the input address matched to an alias. Preferred alias processing is only attempted for base addresses. N No preferred alias found. Y A preferred alias was found for the input address. The StreetName field contains the preferred alias. |
StreetNameAbbreviatedAlias.Result |
Indicates the result of abbreviated alias processing. null No abbreviated alias processing attempted. B The StreetName field contains the base street name. L The standardized address length is less than 31 characters, so the StreetName field contains the base name. N No abbreviated alias found. Y An abbreviated alias was found for input address. The StreetName field contains the abbreviated alias. |
AddressBlock1-9 |
The AddressBlock output fields contain a formatted version of the standardized or normalized address as it would be printed on a physical mailpiece. Validate Address Global formats the address into address blocks using postal authority standards. Each line of the address is returned in a separate address block field. There can be up to nine address block output fields: AddressBlock1 through AddressBlock9. For example, this input address: AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place AddressLine2: Suite 600 City: Lanham StateProvince: MD PostalCode: 20706 Results in this address block output: AddressBlock1: 4200 PARLIAMENT PL STE 600 AddressBlock2: LANHAM MD 20706-1882 |
CanLanguage | For Canadian addresses only, indicates whether the address is in English or French, if the option CanFrenchFormat=T is used. If this field is blank, the address is formatted in English. If the field contains any non-blank value, the address is formatted in French. Note that addresses in Quebec are always formatted in French regardless of the value in this field. |
USUrbanName.Result |
These result codes apply to U.S. addresses only. A Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. C Corrected. M Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U Unmatched. V Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. |
MultimatchCount | If multiple matches were found, indicates the number of records that are possible matches. |
BlockAddress | Formatted version of the address combined from AddressBlock(1-9) fields. |