Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
address Free-form address text Required
filter Demographic data is categorized into themes (for example; populationTheme, raceAndEthnicityTheme, healthTheme etc.), and the ‘filter’ parameter helps narrow down the search results based upon the specified demographic themes, for example; populationTheme, raceAndEthnicityTheme, healthTheme etc.

The ‘filter’ parameter retrieves the demographic data based upon the specified input themes.

Theme Types:Themes vary by country. Themes applicable to one country may not be necessarily applicable to another country. Refer to “Appendix A: Countries and Applicable Themes - Demographics” section for more details.

The filter parameter is optional, if not provided, this service retrieves demographic data available for all themes. Demographic data search can be performed based upon single or multiple themes. Maximum number of themes that can be provided in the filter parameter are 10.

profile This parameter retrieves the sorted demographic data on the basis of pre-defined profiles that can display the top 3 or top 5 results either in ascending or descending order.Note: The profile set can either be used individually for retrieving results from demographic data, or can be applied along with a filter. Refer 'Using Both 'Profile' and 'Filter'' section below for more details.

Pre-Defined Profile Sets:

  • Top5Ascending: Retrieves the top 5 results in ascending order.
  • Top5Descending: Retrieves the top 5 results in descending order.
  • Top3Ascending: Retrieves the top 3 results in ascending order.
  • Top3Descending: Retrieves the top 3 results in descending order.
Note: The specified profiles are applicable on ranged values only and not on individual values.
Note: As shown above, each profile has a defined format to be used ‘as is’. However, the input is case-insensitive.

The profile parameter is optional, if not provided, this service retrieves all demographic data as is. Profile parameter accepts only one pre-defined profile set as an input. Multiple inputs are not supported.

Using Both 'Profile' and 'Filter'

The profile parameter can be applied along with filter parameter to sort and retrieve top3/top 5 search results in ascending/descending order for each specified filter(s). For example; applying 'top5Ascending' profile to the populationTheme filter, will sort and retrieve top 5 Age related results in ascending order.

If multiple filters are used with a specified profile set, the profile set gets applied to each filter. For example; applying 'top5Ascending' profile to the populationTheme and IncomeTheme filter, will sort and retrieve top results 5 results in ascending order for each specified filter i.e. populationTheme and incomeTheme.

country Specifies the country to be searched for from the following countries. The accepted value is a 3 letter ISO code.
  • Australia (AUS)
  • Canada (CAN)
  • UK (GBR)
  • US (USA)

This parameter is Optional and is case-insensitive. In case no value is provided, this service tries to find a match for the given address in USA. If a match is found, the service retrieves the result.

valueFormat Applicable for few ranged variables where percent & count both type of variables are available and the response needs to be filtered based on the format of value. Following are the allowed values - PercentAsAvailable, CountOnly, Both

Default - PercentAsAvailable


Retrieves demographic variables in response based on the input value. Following are the allowed values - Key, Detailed, Advanced, and All. Default Value is Key.

Key - Returns only key variables,

Detailed – Returns more detailed variables along with key variables.

Advanced – Returns advanced level variables.

All – Returns all