Setting the Geocode Dataset Search Order

Default Search Order

The default Geocode dataset search order searches point-level datasets before street-level datasets. This is reflected in the list of configured Geocode datasets.

Retrieving the Configured Search Order

After installing and configuring your data, you have the option to set the search order that you would like to use when matching.

To find out the configured order of your Geocode datasets:

API Description
REST Send a GET request to the dictionaries service. You can include a country code to get the configured Geocode datasets for the specified country, or exclude all query parameters to get a list of all the configured Geocode datasets. For more information, see Dictionaries GET Request.

Changing the Search Order

You can change the search order or remove a Geocode dataset so it is not used in matching by modifying the preferred Geocode dataset search order in the preferences. The search order is a List of strings. If a Geocode dataset is left off the list, it is not used in matching. The Geocode dataset order is written using the string value of the index in configured Geocode datasets. The default order starts with an index of "0". Setting the order to {"2","1","0"} would invert the configured order for a country with 3 Geocode datasets.

  • To set the order of Geocode datasets for single geocode or reverse geocode operations:
API Description
REST Send a POST request to the desired service - geocode or reverse geocode. Set the order using the preferredDictionaryOrders element in the preferences object. For more information, see Geocoding POST Request and Reverse Geocode POST Request.
  • To set the order of Geocode datasets for multiple geocode or reverse geocode operations (geocodeMultiple or reverseGeocodeMultiple):

The multiple geocode/reverse geocode operations may include multiple countries, therefore, you need to specify the country ISO-3166 3-character country code in the search order list. For example: {"USA","2","1","0","FRA","0","1"}. Use the methods specified in the table above to set the preferred Geocode dataset order.

If the list does not start with a country code, an exception will be generated. If a country is not found in the list, its configured dictionary order is used.

Note: For USA:
  • The USA custom option FIND_DB_ORDER will supersede the set preferred Geocode dataset order setting/method.
  • For single or multiple reverse geocoding, the set preferred geocoding dataset order setting/method is not supported in USA and is ignored.