Reverse Geocode POST Request

The POST request enables you to submit a single input coordinate or a list of coordinates for batch processing. A country code, coordinate reference system and matching preferences can optionally be specified. A response containing a list of candidates with associated address data and matching information is returned. The preference options for a POST request are the complete set of available options.
Note: We recommend to use a batch size of 100 to start with. Although the maximum batch size allowed is 1000, but it may result in performance issues which depends on many factors such as the country the coordinates belong to, quality of coordinates being input. General guideline is that if you face API timeouts or you feel the API responses are slow, you should decrease your batch size by half and try again. If required, go for a batch size below 100 as well.
Apart from this, there are other things to be considered for optimal batch performance:
  • Country must be entered for each coordinates.
  • Sorting input coordinates by country when possible.