Geocode Types

There are different ways that an address can be geocoded. The following lists the Geocode types from the most accurate to least accurate:

  • Address:
    • Point-level - The geocode is located at the center of the actual building footprint or parcel. This option requires that a point-level Geocode dataset is installed.
    • Interpolated Street Address - This uses street address interpolation to derive the geocode, which is an approximate location of an address on a street segment.
    • Street Centroid - The geocode is the centroid of a street segment.
  • Postal - The geocode is the centroid of a postal code area.
  • Geographic - The geocode is the centroid of a geographic area; for example, a city, suburb or village.

The support for these geocode types depends on the type of data available in your configured Geocode dataset(s). Refer to your country's section to locate Geocode level support information.

In addition, there are a couple more geocode types that are offered as custom options for a subset of countries. These two geocode types are described in the following sections.

The following tables provide information on how to specify a geocode type.

REST API Feature Implementation

Request Type:
Object : Element:

type : geocodeType

For more details, see GeoCode POST Request.