Post Request Parameters

The POST request comprises the following input parameters:
  • IPDtaxRateAddress - The address or addresses for which the tax is to be calculated. Required.
  • preferences - The option to set preferences. Optional.

These objects and their elements are defined in the following table:

Parameter Description Usage
objectId Uniquely identifies Precisely keys. If provided, the associated objectId with each Precisely key is returned in the response for reference. It should be a valid positive integer. If not provided, then the objectId is generated starting '1' and auto incremented. Optional

Y- If a definitive match cannot be made, then return the next higher level geographic centroid.

N- (Default value) Disable geographic fallback feature.


Y - (Default value) Use the Local Tax Auxiliary file for matching,

N- Do not use the Local Tax Auxiliary file for matching.


Requires exact match. This mode generates the fewest match candidates, which decreases the processing time. When using this mode, ensure that your input is accurate with correct spellings and complete addresses.

Standard (Default value)

Requires a close match and generates a moderate number of match candidates.


Allows a loose match and generates the most match candidates, which increases the processing time and results in more multiple matches. Use this mode if the exact input is not known completely such as incomplete addresses and incorrect spellings. This is the only mode that does not respect the street parity when making an address match.


Indicates the offset distance in 'feet' from the street center line.

The offset distance is used in street-level geocoding to prevent Geocode from being in the middle of a street. It compensates for the fact that street-level geocoding returns a latitude and longitude point in the center of the street where the address is located. Since the building represented by an address is not on the street itself, you do not want the Geocode for an address to be a point on the street. Instead, you want the Geocode to represent the location of the building which sits next to the street. For example, an offset of 50 feet means that the Geocode will represent a point 50 feet back from the center of the street. The distance is calculated perpendicular to the portion of the street segment for the address. Offset is also used to prevent addresses across the street from each other from being given the same point.

0-No offset.

20-Twenty feet offset from street center line.

40- (Default value) Forty feet offset from street center line.

60-Sixty feet offset from street center line.


Specifies if it should squeeze the street end points when determining the geocode of an address in street-level matching. The squeeze value is 5% (2.5% from each endpoint).

Y- (Default value) Apply squeeze.

N- Do not apply squeeze.


Indicates the desired format for returned latitude/longitude. Options include:


Latitude/longitude in the following format: 090000000N180000000W.


Latitude/longitude in the following format: 090.000000N180.000000W.

Decimal (Default value)

Latitude/longitude in the following format: 90.000000-180.000000.


Latitude/longitude in the following format: 90000000-180000000.


Specifies the width of the polygon buffers to use for Boundary File processing. The buffer width is used to determine if a point is close to the edge of a polygon. The output field BufferRelation indicates whether or not the point is within the polygon's buffer area.

This field overrides the value specified in the DefaultBufferWidth option. Specify the border width in the units specified by the DistanceUnits option.

If you do not specify a buffer width in this input field, the default is used.

Default value: 0

Range: 0-5280 Feet


Specifies the units in which to measure distance. One of the following:


Distances are measured in miles.


Distances are measured in kilometers.

Feet (Default value)

Distances are measured in feet.


Distances are measured in meters


Specifies the casing of the output data. One of the following:

M (Default value)

The output in mixed case.

For example: 123 Main St Mytown FL 12345


The output in upper case.

For example: 123 MAIN ST MYTOWN FL 12345


This preference Option sets flag for returning Census Fields

Y- Return Census fields

N – (Default value) Do not return Census fields.


This preference Option sets flag for returning geometry coordinates

Y- Return geometry coordinates

N – (Default value) Do not return geometry coordinates



Address point interpolation uses a patented process that improves upon regular street segment interpolation by inserting point data into the interpolation process.

A match is first attempted using the loaded points data. If an exact point match is found in the points data, then searching ceases and the point match is returned. If an exact point match was not found, it attempts to find high and low boundary address points to use for address point interpolation.


Enable address point interpolation.

False (Default value)

Disable address point interpolation.


Acceptable values: 1,2 .

The search area options allow for searching the address' finance area or an expanded area specified by distance.

1 - (Default value) Searches the entire finance area for a match. A finance area is a region defined by the U.S. Postal Service and typically consists of a set of contiguous ZIP Codes.

2-Searches the area specified by the radius in miles as specified in 'FIND_EXPANDED_SEARCH_RADIUS'. The search area can be extended up to a 99-mile radius from the centroid of the input ZIP Code to assist in finding a match when the input address contains limited or inaccurate city or ZIP Code information. The expanded area is confined to within the state's borders.


Radius for search area.

1-99 miles

Search radius. (default = 25 miles)


Matches to a house range input. Some business locations are identified by address ranges. For example, a shopping plaza could be addressed as 10-12 Front St. - this is how business mail is typically addressed to such a business location. When this feature is enabled, the address range is Geocoded to the interpolated mid-point of the range.

True-Allow address range matches.

False- (Default value) Do not allow address range matches.


This option allows specifying the preferred way to match when both an address and firm name are provided. The matching method can be set to match to the address rather than the firm name or vice versa. If neither are specified, the default matching method is to match to the address line only.

1-Searches for street name, but if there isn't a match, will use the firm name.

2-Looks up the firm name, but if there isn't a match, will use the street name.

3- (Default value) Searches only street records.


If an input street address cannot be found using the street number and name, it then searches the input ZIP Code or city/state for the closest match. If it is able to locate the street, it returns a Geocode along the matched street segment rather than the Geocode for the entered ZIP Code or ZIP + 4.

When using street locator geocoding, if no exact matching house number is found, a match code of either E029 (no matching range, single street segment found), or E030 (no matching range, multiple street segment) returns. For example, if you enter Main St and there are both an E Main St and a W Main St within the input ZIP Code, then an E030 returns and the location code returned is reflective of the input ZIP Code. The location code returned begins with a 'C' when matched to a single street segment, indicated by E029. It does not change the street name on the output address.


If a street or point match cannot be made, then return a street level centroid.

False (Default value)

Do not return a street level centroid if a match cannot be made.


Looks for the correct first letter of a street address if the first letter is missing or incorrect. It searches through the alphabet looking for possible correct first letters to complete the street address.

Note: This feature is disabled by default and cannot be enabled in Exact mode.


Enable first letter change matches.

False (Default value)

Do not allow first letter change matches.

mainAddressLine Input address Required
country Three-digit ISO country code. Supported country: USA Optional
placeName Building name, place name, Point of Interest (POI), company or firm name associated with the input address. Optional. Optional
areaName1 Specifies the largest geographic area, typically a state or province. Optional
areaName3 Specifies a city or town name. Optional
postCode1 The postal code in the appropriate format for the country. Optional