Response Description

Response Element Description
confidence Provides the percentage overlap of the geocode to the Place polygon layer. The returned percentage value describes the probability that the point falls in the specified Place.
jurisdiction Jurisdiction
jurisdiction.state.code State code. State name.
jurisdiction.county.code County code. County name.

Place class code. Place class codes are used to determine the proper taxing jurisdictions.

Note: This field is always included in the output regardless of whether or not you choose to include tax jurisdiction data in the output. An identifier for a specific place. A "place" is a geographic area defined on the basis of population criteria that vary by state. Or, an area recognized as significant because it is located in an incorporated municipality. The Geographic Names Information System (gnis) code of the place. Indicates whether the address is located in an incorporated or unincorporated place. A "place" is a geographic area defined on the basis of population criteria that vary by state. Or, an area recognized as significant because it is located in an incorporated municipality. Last annexed date, in the format MM/YYYY, representing the month and year of the most recent boundary change or the most recent available boundary information. Last updated date, in the format MM/YYYY, reflecting the month and year. Last verified date, in the format MM/YYYY, representing the month and year. The name of the "place" where the address is located. A "place" is a geographic area defined on the basis of population criteria that vary by state. Or, an area recognized as significant because it is located in an incorporated municipality.
jurisdiction.spds.spd.districtNumber.districtCode 3-digit district type code.
jurisdiction.spds.spd.compiledDate SPD compiled date.
jurisdiction.spds.spd.districtCode SPD district code
jurisdiction.spds.spd.districtName SPD Name.
jurisdiction.spds.spd.effectiveDate SPD effective date.
jurisdiction.spds.spd.updateDate SPD update date.
jurisdiction.spds.spd.versionDate SPD version date
salesTax.totalTaxRate The sum of the individual Municipal, County, State and SPD sales tax rates.
salesTax.totalTaxAmount The sum of the individual Municipal, County, State and SPD sales tax amounts.
salesTax.stateTaxRate State sales tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
salesTax.stateTaxAmount State sales tax amount for the selected tax rate type.
salesTax.countyTaxRate County sales tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
salesTax.countyTaxAmount County sales tax amount for the selected tax rate type.
salesTax.municipalTaxRate Municipality sales tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
salesTax.municipalTaxAmount Municipality sales tax amount for the selected tax rate type.
salesTax.spdsTax.spdTax.districtNumber District Number of SPD for sales Tax
salesTax.spdsTax.spdTax.taxRate Sales tax rate for SPD w.r.t district number
salesTax.spdsTax.spdTax.taxAmount Sales tax Amount for SPD w.r.t district number
useTax.countyTaxRate County use tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
useTax.countyTaxAmount County use tax amount for the selected tax rate type.
useTax.municipalTaxRate Municipality use tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
useTax.municipalTaxAmount Municipality use tax amount for the selected tax rate type.
useTax.stateTaxRate State use tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
useTax.stateTaxAmount State use tax amount for the selected tax rate type.
useTax.totalTaxRate The sum of the individual Municipal, County, State and SPD use tax rates.
useTax.totalTaxAmount The sum of the individual Municipal, County, State and SPD use tax amounts.
useTax.spdsTax.spdTax.districtNumber District Number of SPD for use Tax
useTax.spdTax.spdTax.taxRate Use tax rate for SPD w.r.t district number
useTax.spdTax.spdTax.taxAmount Use tax amount for SPD w.r.t district number

Indicates whether or not the special taxation rules have been applied for tax amount calculations. State/County/Municipal Tax Rules may vary for different states, county and municipal.

Refer Appendix S: List of Countries, States, Cities For Special Tax Rules

Return Values: True or False.

Please refer the state’s department of revenue for further details. Link for each state can be found at:

salesTax.specialTaxRulesDescriptor Description of special tax rules applied to selected County, City and State