Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
address Free form address text Required
country 3 character ISO code or country name. Optional

Specifies the name of the place (POI) to be searched. Also performs search on partially specified names. It requires minimum 3 characters to search.

The input values can be case-insensitive.

For Example, "KFC", "Citi Bank", "Toyota", "Nike" etc.

type Filters the points of interest (POIs) by place types. For example, bank, atm, hospital, school, park, police, zoo etc.

Click here to view a list of popular types.

Any possible place type could be mentioned in this parameter even if that type is not available in the above list. This service matches the input type against place descriptions and types, and return best matching relevant results.

categoryCode Acts as a filter to narrow down and refine POI search results. The input value(s) are comma separated category codes. The category codes are unique 4, 6, or 11 digit numeric values.

Maximum of 10 category codes can be specified in a comma-separated format. Click here to view full list of category codes.

sicCode Acts as a filter to narrow down and refine POI search results. The input value(s) are comma separated SIC codes. The SIC codes are unique 4 or 8 digit SIC codes.

Maximum of 10 SIC codes can be specified in a comma-separated format. Click here to view full list of SIC codes.

maxCandidates Specifies the maximum number of POIs to be retrieved per page.

Default Value: 20 for JSON response format and 2000 for CSV.

Maximum Value: 100 for JSON response format and 2000 for CSV format.

Maximum of 20,000 POIs can be returned overall for a given search criteria. We recommend you to use filters (such as categoryCode, sicCode and searchRadius) to narrow down your search and get the relevant results.


Specifies the radius within which this method searches for results. If not provided, the default value mentioned below is applicable. The allowed minimum value is greater than 0 and maximum range in all allowed units is mentioned below:

In Miles: upto 100 Miles

In Feet: upto 528000 Feet

In Kilometers: upto 160.934 Kilometers

In Meters: upto 160934 Meters

Default value in allowed units is as mentioned below:

In miles: 2 Miles

In Feet: 10560 Feet

In Kilometers: 3.218688 Kilometers

In Meters: 3218.688 Meters

'searchRadius' 'travelTime' and 'travelDistance' parameters define the search boundary. If all are specified, then the search is performed in the order below:
  1. 'searchRadius'
  2. 'travelTime'
  3. 'travelDistance'

    If any parameter is not specified, the search is performed based on the next parameter in the order. For example: If 'searchRadius' is specified 'travelTime' and 'travelDistance' parameters are ignored. If 'searchRadius' is not specified, the search is performed based on 'travelTime'. If 'travelTime' is not specified, the search is performed based on 'travelDistance'.

searchRadiusUnit The acceptable unit values are: Feet, Kilometers, Miles and Meters.

The searchRadiusUnit is optional, if not provided, the unit ‘Meters’ is taken by default, otherwise the search is performed based upon the searchRadius calculated in the specified unit. The search results are returned accordingly in the specified unit. For example, 'Kilometers' searchRadiusUnit returns results in 'Kilometers'.

The input values can be case-insensitive.

travelTime Specifies the travel time within which method searches for results (POIs which can be reached within travel time)the search boundary in terms of time mentioned in 'travelTimeUnit'. The results are retrieved based on the travel time specified. This means search can be done in the mentioned time results be from the mentioned time.

Maximum Value: 2.5 hours.

travelDistance Specifies the search boundary in terms of distance mentioned in 'travelDistanceUnit'. The results are retrieved from the polygon formed based on the travel distance specified.

Maximum Value: 100 miles.

travelTimeUnit Specifies acceptable time units:
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Seconds
  • Milliseconds
travelDistanceUnit Specifies acceptable time units:
  • Feet
  • Kilometers
  • Miles
  • Meters
travelMode Specifies the available mode of commute. This is required when you are trying to do search by travel distance or travel time.
  • 'driving'
  • 'walking'

Default: 'driving'

sortBy Whether to sort the results based on relevance (best match) or by nearest distance from input address. Possible values -
  • relevance (default)
  • distance
fuzzyOnName Whether to allow fuzzy search on name. Possible values are: Y (default), N. Optional
page Specifies the page number of results. Allows API consumer to implement pagination in their application.

Page size is the value of maxCandidates in request. For example:

  • If page value is 1 and maxCandidates value is 20 then response will have matching results from rank 1 to 20.
  • If page value is 11 and maxCandidates value is 20 then response will have matching results from rank 201 to 220.
  • If page value is 19 and maxCandiates value 10 then response will have matching results from rank 181 to 190.
matchMode Select a leniency to be used when making a match between your input name and the reference data. Allowed values are:
  • Specific: This is the default mode, and generally provides the best balance of accurate matches, few false matches, and high performance. It assumes that the user has entered the complete name with correct spelling.

    For example: If you enter "Pizza Hut", POIs with extra words other than "Pizza Hut" will not be returned.

    Fuzzy search is not supported for this match mode.

  • Exact: This will return POIs containing all terms/words provided in the name parameter.

    For example: If you enter "Pizza Hut", POIs with name "KFC Pizza Hut Corp" will also be returned.

  • Relaxed: This will return all close matches including partial matches. Fuzzy search is also supported with this match mode.

    For example: If you enter "Pizza Hut", "Pizzeria Hut" will also be returned. For multiple words, both words be used in the search.

specificMatchOn This allows a specific match against Name, Brand Name, Trademark or Any other POI. Optional