Points Of Interest By Location

Points of Interest By Location service retrieves POIs around input location (ordered by matching relevance or distance from the location). It allows searching for points of interest by name and type along with SIC codes and category codes.

  • Either based on 'searchRadius' parameter that retrieves results that exist around a specific location. The coverage for search based on 'searchRadius' parameter is available for the 175 countries. Click here for the list of countries.
  • Or based on 'travelTime' and 'travelDistance' parameters that search for results in a specific polygon that could be covered in specified time or specified distance respectively. The time to travel and distance of these POIs from input location is also returned. The data coverage for search based on 'travelTime' or 'travelDistance' parameter is available for the 83 countries. Click here for the list of countries.

Response of this service could be accepted in CSV format as well, along with the usual JSON format of all our APIs. Please use "Accept" header for specifying the required response format.

  • For CSV Response, "Accept" header value should be - "text/csv".
  • For JSON Response, "Accept" header value should be - "application/json" (this is also the default response format if header is not specified).