Response Description

Response Element Description
page page number of the POI results.
candidates total POI candidates in the response.
totalMatchingCandidates total matching POI candidates in system according to requested search. Place id, a unique identifier Official Name of the place
poi.distance Distance of POI from searched address
poi.distance.unit Unit of Distance used. Based on the unit sent in request, the response is returned, for example if 'Feet' is sent in request, value in 'Feet' is returned.
poi.relevanceScore Relevance score which specifies how best the POI matched against input parameters.
poi.brandName Precisely standardized Brand Name
poi.franchiseName Franchise Name
poi.tradeName Trading style name / Brand Name
poi.open24Hours Indicator of Twenty Four Hour Opening
  • 0 for Unspecified
  • 1 for 24 hours availability (for all POIs and also for emergency room)
  • 2 for 24 hours emergency room non-availability Email address Primary name of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.placeName Name of the place of the site address of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.areaName1 State/Province of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.areaName2 County/Region of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.areaName3 City/Town of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.areaName4 Suburb/Village of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.postCodeExt Zip code extension of the Parent/Headquarter company The 3-character ISO country code of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.addressNumber Address number of the address of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.streetName Street name of the address of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.unitType Apartment/House type of the address of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.parentbusiness.address.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address of the Parent/Headquarter company Primary name of the global ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine of the ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.placeName Name of the place of the site address of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.areaName1 State/Province of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.areaName2 County/Region of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.areaName3 City/Town of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.areaName4 Suburb/Village of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.postCodeExt Zip code extension of the Ultimate company The 3-character ISO country code of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.addressNumber Address number of the address of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.streetName Street name of the address of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.unitType Apartment/House type of the address of the Ultimate company
poi.globalUltimateBusiness.address.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address of the Ultimate company Primary name of the domestic ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.placeName Name of the place of the site address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.areaName1 State/Province of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.areaName2 County/Region of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.areaName3 City/Town of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.areaName4 Suburb/Village of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.postCodeExt Zip code extension of the Domestic Ultimate company The 3-character ISO country code of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.addressNumber Address number of the address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.streetName Street name of the address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.unitType Apartment/House type of the address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.domesticUltimateBusiness.address.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address of the Domestic Ultimate company
poi.tickerSymbol Ticker symbol
poi.exchangeName Ticker Symbol Exchange Name
poi.contactDetails.address.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine.
poi.contactDetails.address.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address
poi.contactDetails.address.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address
poi.contactDetails.address.placeName Name of the place of the site address
poi.contactDetails.address.areaName1 State/Province
poi.contactDetails.address.areaName2 County/Region
poi.contactDetails.address.areaName3 City/Town
poi.contactDetails.address.areaName4 Suburb/Village
poi.contactDetails.address.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen
poi.contactDetails.address.postCodeExt Zip code extension The 3-character ISO country code
poi.contactDetails.address.addressNumber Address number of the address
poi.contactDetails.address.streetName Street name of the address
poi.contactDetails.address.unitType Apartment/House type of the address
poi.contactDetails.address.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address
poi.contactDetails.countryAccessCode Country Code for phone Telephone number
poi.contactDetails.fax Fax number
poi.contactDetails.url Website Address
poi.poiClassification.alternateIndustryCode The Alternative Industry code will contain an alternative classification system to SIC where available. In the USA this will represent a 6 digit NAICS code.
poi.poiClassification.category.categoryCode POI Classification Reserved set of Category Codes
poi.poiClassification.category.tradeDivision Level1 POI category
poi.poiClassification.category.tradeGroup Level2 POI category
poi.poiClassification.category.class Level3 POI category
poi.poiClassification.category.subClass Level4 POI category
poi.poiClassification.sic.businessLine Description of the operations or activities of the business, which relates to the primary four-digit 1987 US SIC
poi.poiClassification.sic.primarySicCode US 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)code which represents the primary operations of the business
poi.poiClassification.sic.sicCode A 8-digit Standard Industrial Classification code identifying a line of operations for a business at the most specific level.
poi.poiClassification.sic.sicCodeDescription 8 Digit SIC description identifying a line of operations for a business at the most specific level.
poi.salesVolume.worldBaseCurrencyCode Code value describing the type of currency in which the sales volume (local currency) is expressed
poi.salesVolume.currencyCode currency in which the sales volume (local currency) is expressed
poi.salesVolume.value Total annual sales/revenue for this business
poi.employeeCount.inLocalBranch Estimated Number of employees at current location
poi.employeeCount.inOrganization Estimated Total number of employees in the business organization; it should include subsidiary and branch locations
poi.yearStart Year when current ownership or management assumed control of the business or the year established if no control change has taken place(not provided for branch records)
poi.goodsAgentCode Code value identifying whether the business imports goods or services for re-manufacture or sale, exports products or services to a foreign country, and / or is an agent for goods Possible values are: A: import/export/agent B: imports and exports C: imports D: imports and agents E: exports and agents F: agent: keeps no inventory, does not take title goods G: not available or none H: exports
poi.goodsAgentCodeDescription Agent Code description as described above
poi.legalStatusCode Code value describing the legal structure of the business
poi.organizationStatusCode Code value describing the organizational status of the business. Possible values are: 0 Single Location - no other entities report to it 1 Headquarter/Parent - branches and/or subs report to it 2 Branch - secondary location to a Headquarter 4 Division - a separate operation
poi.organizationStatusCodeDescription Status code description as described above.
poi.subsidaryIndicator Indicates whether a business is more than 50% owned by another organization Possible values are: 0 = not a subsidiary 3 = subsidiary
poi.subsidaryIndicatorDescription code description as described above.
poi.parentBusiness Primary name of the Parent/Headquarter company
poi.globalUltimateIndicator Indicates whether the site record is the Global Ultimate within the corporate family tree
poi.globalUltimateBusiness Name of the ultimate company
poi.familyMembers Number of family members including the global ultimate and all subsidiaries and branches of the entire family tree worldwide
poi.hierarchyCode Number used with the status and subsidiary indicators to pinpoint the location of an establishment within a corporate hierarchy
poi.geometry.type Geometry Type which is “Point” in this case. (Only in JSON response)
poi.geometry.coordinates Location Coordinates i.e. Longitude and Latitude of the Location. (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system) (Only in JSON response)
poi.geometry.point.latitude Latitude (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system)
poi.geometry.point.longitude Longitude (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system)