Response Description

Response Element Description
themes.crimeIndexTheme.source Crime index source.
themes.crimeIndexTheme.boundaryRef Crime index boundary reference. Crime index variable name.
themes.crimeIndexTheme.indexVariable.score Crime index score.
themes.crimeIndexTheme.indexVariable.category Specifies crime index category such as lowest/ low/ below average/ above average/ high/ highest.
themes.crimeIndexTheme.indexVariable.percentile Specifies crime index percentile as:

1-10: Lowest

10-25: Low

25-50: Below Average

50-75: Above Average

75-90: High

Above 90: Highest Boundary id.
themes.boundaries.boundary.type Boundary type.
themes.boundaries.boundary.ref Boundary reference.
themes.boundaries.boundary.geometry.type Polygon
themes.boundaries.boundary.geometry.coordinates Longitude (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system).
matchedAddress.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine.
matchedAddress.mainAddressLine Main address line.
matchedAddress.AddressLastLine Last line of the address.
matchedAddress.placeName Name of the place of the site address.
matchedAddress.areaName1 State/Province.
matchedAddress.areaName2 County/Region.
matchedAddress.areaName3 City/Town.
matchedAddress.areaName4 Suburb/Village.
matchedAddress.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen.
matchedAddress.postCodeExt Zip code extension. The 3-character ISO country code.
matchedAddress.addressNumber Number of the department address.
matchedAddress.streetName Street name of the address.
matchedAddress.unitType Apartment/House type of the address.
matchedAddress.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address.