POST Request Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
address The address to be searched. Optional
objectId Uniquely identifies addresses. If provided, the associated objectId with each address is returned in the response for reference. It should be a valid positive integer. If not provided, then the objectId is generated starting '1' and auto incremented. Optional
mainAddressLine Input address. Optional
addressLastLine Last line of the address. Optional
placeName Building name, place name, Point of Interest (POI), company or firm name associated with the input address. Optional
areaName1 Specifies the largest geographic area, typically a state or province. Optional
areaName2 Specifies the secondary geographic area, typically a county or district. Optional
areaName3 Specifies a city or town name. Optional
areaName4 Specifies a city subdivision or locality. Optional
postCode The postal code in the appropriate format for the country. Optional
postCodeExt Postal code extension. Optional
country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code.

Supported country: USA

addressNumber House or building number. Optional
streetName Street name of the input address. Optional
unitType Specifies the type of unit, such as Apt., Ste. and Bldg. Optional
unitValue Specifies the unit value/number, such as "3B". Optional
preferences object contains the following elements:
maxCandidates Specifies the maximum number of water bodies that this service retrieves. The default value is 1. The retrieved water bodies are distance ordered from the specified location. Maximum of 3 water bodies can be retrieved. Optional
waterBodyType Specifies the type of water bodies to be returned. The type of water bodies include:
  • oceanandsea
  • lake
  • others
  • unknown
  • intermittent
  • all

Default: 'all'

The input values can be case-insensitive.
searchDistance Specifies the distance within which this method searches for water bodies. If not provided, the nearest water body is searched. The allowed minimum value is greater than or equal to 0 and maximum range in all allowed units is mentioned below:

Default: 20 Miles

In Miles: upto 100 Miles

In Feet: upto 528,000 Feet

In Kilometers: upto 160.934 Kilometers

In Meters: upto 160934 Meters

In case no value is provided, the default searchDistance of 20 miles is applicable.

searchDistanceUnit The acceptable unit values are: Feet, Kilometers, Miles and Meters.

The searchDistanceUnit is optional, if not provided, the unit ‘Miles’ is taken by default, otherwise the search is performed based upon the searchDistance calculated in the specified unit. The search results are returned accordingly in the specified unit. For example, 'Kilometers' searchDistanceUnit returns results in 'Kilometers'.

The input values can be case-insensitive.
