Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
address Free-form address text. Required
richterValue Specifies the acceptable Richter values. Multiple values can be passed in a comma-separated format. For example: 'richterValue=R0, R2, R5_GE'

Valid Values: R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R0_GE, R1_GE, R2_GE, R3_GE, R4_GE, R5_GE, R6_GE, R7_G.

R1 refers to the count of Richter scale 1 events. R2 refers to the count of Richter scale 2 events, and so on. R6_GE is the count of all events greater than Richter scale 6. R7_GE is the count of all events greater than Richter scale 7, and so on.

Default: 'all'. If 'all' is specified as an input, then all Richter values are returned. If any other valid value is specified along with 'all', then all is considered and other value is ignored.

includeGeometry Specifies whether or not to include the geometry. If 'Y' is specified earthquake grid boundary will be shown in response .

If 'N' is specified , the earthquake grid boundary will not be shown in response.

Possible values: Y or N

Default: 'N'
