Response Description

Response Element Description
state.code Two letter state abbreviation.
state.fips Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) numerical state code. Numeric fireshed value. Firesheds divide landscape into landscape based units that exhibit the same vegetation, slope and resultant fire behavior.
fireShed.risk.description Description of risk category.
Note: Valid if risk type is Interface, Intermix & Wildland.
fireShed.risk.tier Specifies the type of threat present in this area.
Flame Impingement/Embers/Smoke or Smoke
Note: Valid if risk type is Interface.
fireShed.risk.tierDescription Description of risk tier.
Note: Valid if risk type is Interface.

Specifies the likelihood of future wildfires based on their occurrence in the area in the past. Frequency uses a simulation-focused approach to determine future probability. A fire can be simulated on the landscape based on topography, weather and fuel. This represents what is likely to happen on the landscape as it exists now using existing topography, weather and fuel types.

Least Likely
Most Likely
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
Past fires represent likelihood of how often a fire will occur in a given area. This data is returned at a much coarser scale utilizing empirical data, of where fires are more or less likely to occur based on where they have occurred in the past. This returns finer scale information than frequency and uses a simulation-based approach.
Least Likely.
Most Likely.
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
fireShed.risk.severity Specifies how severe fire behavior would be in the event of an ignition. It includes topography (slope, aspect and elevation), prevailing weather patterns in the area (based on weather stations located nation-wide) and the fuel type present (40 different subsets of grass, shrub and timber vegetation types). It also includes an evaluation of the potential for crown fire in each fireshed. This determines in the determination of how prevalent fire embers may be.
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix and Wildland.
Refers to the effect related to the continuity of burnable area (roads, bare ground rock outcrops etc.) which may reduce wildlife severity. Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to least aggravating effect (High).
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
fireShed.risk.adjustment Refers Intermix risk adjustment due to weighted effect of aspect, crownfire, evc, foehn, golfcourse, roaddist, slope and waterdist values.
Greatest Mitigating Effect
Greatest Mitigating Effect
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.

Refers to the moisture drying effect relative to sun and topological slope. The facing of a slope can influence how wet or dry it is by the timing of when the sun will hit it at different time of the day. For example, slopes facing the afternoon sun will dry out sooner on a daily basis and will be free of snow for more of the year. In Northern hemisphere, South-facing slopes will typically be more dry than North-facing slopes. this can have a large impact on the density of fuel and how severe the fire behavior will likely be in the event of a wildfire. Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect (High).

Note: Valid if the risk type is Intermix.

Refers to the crown fire effect, whether in the form of isolated trees or clumps of trees or the complete involvement of the canopy, represents a worst-case scenario in terms of fire behavior. A forest that is prone to crown fire will be a far greater danger in terms of structure loss than one that will typically burn as a surface fire. Least aggravating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect (High).

Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
fireShed.risk.vegetation Specifies existing vegetation cover, a measure of the continuity of fuel, is important beaus fire will, all other things being equal, burn with more severity and speed through a continuous fuel bed than if interrupted by the patches of bare ground. Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to least aggravating effect (High).
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
fireShed.risk.foehn Specifies areas that are subject to strong, relatively dry and warm winds that can increase fire-behavior and therefore, risk. Examples include Chinooks of the rocky mountains and Santa Anas of Southern California. Least aggravating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect (High).
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
fireShed.risk.golfCourse Specifies essentially irrigated fuel breaks but structures located on a golf course can still be threatened by embers and flames from adjacent fuel. Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to least aggravating effect (High).
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.
fireShed.risk.roadDist Specifies distance to the nearest important (evacuation/fire suppression access) road. Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect (High).
Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.

Refers to slope fire suppression effect. Greatest mitigating effect (Low) to greatest aggravating effect (High).

Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.

Refers to a non-hydrant water source closer to a given area that will make suppression operations more effective.

Note: Valid if risk type is Intermix.

Refers to the distance to the nearest fire station to reflect probability of a successful wildfire suppression or structure protection effort.

Closer to Fire Station
Farther from Fire Station
Note: Valid if risk type is Wildfire.
fireShed.risk.nonburn Specifies effect related to the continuity of burnable area (roads, bare ground, rock, outcrops etc) which may reduce wildfire severity. Least mitigating (Low) to greatest mitigating (High).
Note: Valid if risk type is Wildland.
matchedAddress.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine.
matchedAddress.mainAddressLine Main address line.
matchedAddress.AddressLastLine Last line of the address.
matchedAddress.placeName Name of the place of the site address.
matchedAddress.areaName1 State/Province.
matchedAddress.areaName2 County/Region.
matchedAddress.areaName3 City/Town.
matchedAddress.areaName4 Suburb/Village.
matchedAddress.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen.
matchedAddress.postCodeExt Zip code extension. The 3-character ISO country code.
matchedAddress.addressNumber Number of the department address.
matchedAddress.streetName Street name of the address.
matchedAddress.unitType Apartment/House type of the address.
matchedAddress.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address.