Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
postCode The 5-digit postcode. Required

Specifies earthquake events occured after startDate (UTC time in milliseconds). The value is time elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. The input can contain negative and positive values, where the positive values express time after January 1, 1970 UTC, and negative values express time before January 1, 1970 UTC.

If not provided, then the number event occurrences specified in maxCandidates parameter are returned in descending order from the startDate. For example:

Event occurrences

April 04, 2007; September 19, 2009; August 23, 2011; March 3, 2012; January 06, 2014


September 02, 2009

maxCandidates specified


Event occurrences returned

January 06, 2014; March 3, 2012(returned in descending order from the startDate)

Note:If no startDate and endDate is specified, then the latest event occurrences as mentioned in maxCandidates are returned. If both dates are specified, then the latest event occurrences between the start and end date are returned in descending order.


Specifies earthquake events occured before endDate (UTC time in milliseconds). The value is time elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. The input can contain negative and positive values, where the positive values express time after January 1, 1970 UTC, and negative values express time before January 1, 1970 UTC.

If not provided, then the number event occurrences specified in maxCandidates parameter are returned in descending order from the endDate. For example:

Event occurrences

April 04, 2007; September 19, 2009; August 23, 2011; March 3, 2012; January 06, 2014

end Date

March 5, 2012

maxCandidates specified


Event occurrences returned

March 3, 2012; August 23, 2011 (returned in descending order from the endDate)

Note:If no startDate and endDate is specified, then the latest event occurrences as mentioned in maxCandidates are returned. If both dates are specified, then the latest event occurrences between the start and end date are returned in descending order.


Specifies the number of fire occurrences that can be retrieved.

Default: 5

Maximum Value: 50
